The latest features and product improvements in Fillout

Launch Week Day 4 ✨ Voice input & transcribe with AI

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ February 15, 2024

Welcome to Day 4 of Fillout Launch Week.

Today we're introducing a new way to collect input in Fillout: voice. Voice is a convenient way to collect responses for long-answer inputs or data collection in the field.

Plus, with recent advances in AI, you get accurate transcriptions almost instantly, powered by OpenAI and Azure.

πŸŽ™οΈ Voice recording field

To get started, add a voice recording field to your form.

Your users will be prompted to record a message, along with the option to pause, resume, finish and restart their recording.

The voice recording field is available on all plans, including the free tier.

πŸ“ Transcribe with AI (Business)

Enable transcription to automatically generate a transcript of every recording.

Provide a custom prompt to tailor the transcription style to your needs.

Transcriptions are powered by OpenAI's Whisper, hosted in the US or EU (Azure) depending on your plan.

βœ… Send recordings and transcripts to 3rd party integrations

Send the raw audio file and/or transcription to your 3rd party services. For example, upload recordings to Dropbox, Airtable or even use them in Zapier/Make/Relay automations.

Launch Week Day 3 ✨ Free REST API, 3rd party apps & integration tools

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ February 14, 2024

Welcome to Day 3 of Fillout Launch Week.

Today we released major upgrades to Fillout's developer features and tools to manage 3rd party integrations.

πŸ€– REST API is now free

The Fillout REST API lets you access your form responses programmatically, without using the Fillout site.

It's now available on all plans, including the free tier.

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ View integration usage

On the Fillout integrations page, click "View usage" to see which of your forms are connected to each 3rd party service.

βœ… API improvements

Return responses before/after a certain date, fetch in progress submissions, sort responses and even obtain an edit link for any form submission.

We've also improved the response format to make it easier to work with.

πŸ”’ Restrict integrations by workspace (Enterprise)

Limit who in your organization can access each of your 3rd party accounts. Set permission boundaries across teams or different clients.

πŸ”„ Build 3rd party apps (OAuth)

Create apps that integrate with Fillout accounts.

Third party apps let you or your users access Fillout responses via API. Once someone grants access to your application, you'll have API access to fetch forms, responses and even create webhooks. Learn more here.

⚑️ Our first OAuth integration: Relay

Relay is our new favorite tool for human-in-the-loop and AI-assisted automations.

They recently released a Fillout integration with our new 3rd party app framework.

Let us know which apps you want to see integrations with next!

Launch Week Day 2 ✨ Subforms and Submission Pickers

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ February 13, 2024

Welcome to Day 2 of Fillout Launch Week.

Today we're introducing two powerful new field types to Fillout: the Subform and Submission picker.

These advanced fields enable a new set of data collection use cases.

πŸ” Subform

Subforms make it easy to collect repeated information in your forms.

For example, say you need your users to tell you about each of their family members.

With a subform, respondents can add as many family members as they need. Each entry opens its own customizable Fillout form.

The subform also lets users edit and resume in-progress submissions.

βœ… Validation options

Limit the number of subform responses your users can add with validation settings.

πŸ”„ Submission picker field

This field lets respondents select from previous submissions of any Fillout form, without the need for a 3rd party integration.

You can even use the selected submission to pre-fill fields or dynamically show/hide parts of your form.

πŸ‘€ Filter which submissions are visible

Lastly, set filters that determine which submissions a user can choose from.

For example, only allow users to select their own past form submissions by matching on their login email.

That's all for today! Stay tuned for the next Launch Week update tomorrow on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Launch Week Day 1 ✨ Login 2.0

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ February 12, 2024

Today is day 1 of Fillout’s Launch Week. Each day this week, we’re announcing a major new set of capabilities in Fillout.

Today's theme is Login 2.0. Adding the upgraded login page to your form is more than just a way to verify email addresses. It also streamlines a lot of data intake workflows - more details below!

πŸ’» Resume submissions across devices

Adding a login page to your form automatically lets respondents continue form submissions across devices, like a phone and laptop.

🚫 Limit users to 1 response per email

Optionally restrict respondents to 1 form submission per email address. A custom screen is shown to users who already completed your form.

πŸ“§ Verify email addresses and "remembered" login

The login page now lets you verify email addresses, without connecting to a 3rd party integration.

If your respondents submit multiple Fillout forms, they'll only need to verify their email on their first submission.

πŸ“ Let users edit past submissions

Enable editing past submissions to let your users see and update any of their prior responses, even across devices.

πŸ” Single Sign-On (Enterprise)

Add Microsoft, OneLogin, Google Workspaces, Okta and other types of SSO login to your form. Optionally pre-fill fields with custom SSO attributes. Learn more here.

βœ… Limit submissions to specific domains

For internal-facing forms, limit submissions to only your company domain.

That's all for today! Stay tuned for the next Launch Week update tomorrow on LinkedIn or Twitter.

New in Fillout ✨ Attio & Intercom, "skip" button, device analytics, advanced email sending & more

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ December 27, 2023

Firstly, a big thank you from our team to you for your support in 2023. This year was a big one for Fillout and we can't wait for 2024.

Below are the last feature updates of the year. As always, let us know if you have any questions and we wish you a happy holiday season!

πŸƒ Add a "skip" button

Improve conversion rates by adding a skip option to any page.

πŸ“Š Rank dynamic options

For example, let users choose 3 options from a multi-select dropdown and rank the 3 selected choices by importance, with the "ranking" field.

πŸ’Ό Attio integration

If you haven't tried it yet, Attio is a powerful CRM tool that's been growing quickly in popularity.

We just released a native integration that lets you create and update Attio records with your Fillout forms.

πŸ“² View submissions by device

On your form analytics, view what % of respondents answered on mobile, tablet or desktop devices.

πŸ”’ Granular permissions for integrations (Enterprise)

Control access to integration accounts within your team. For example, limit an Airtable connection to only certain workspaces. Learn more.

πŸ›ŽοΈ Intercom integration

Create new messages and leads in Intercom from a form. We've seen this be a helpful way to automate follow-ups on our own Fillout use cases.

πŸ“© New Sendgrid email features

The Sendgrid integration now supports sending custom emails without a template and creating/updating Sendgrid contacts.

πŸ› Fixes and improvements

  • Added option to customize payment descriptions for the Stripe integration.
  • Stripe element more accurately reflects the form theme.
  • Lots of behind-the-scenes fixes and improvements to wrap up the year!

New in Fillout ✨ The Conversion Kit

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ December 18, 2023

I'm particularly excited to share today's Fillout update for two reasons:

  1. These features are brand new to the world of form builders.
  2. Our team's been working on this for several months. We've been beta-testing on our own forms and have seen really good results.

Introducing the Fillout Conversion Kit.

What is it?

In short, the Conversion Kit helps optimize your forms and reduce drop-offs. It's particularly well suited for lead generation.

Because Fillout covers the costs for external services like Clearbit and Google Maps, the Conversion Kit is an optional paid add-on to Fillout.

Ok... but what does it do?

πŸ“† Enrich and route leads

Enable enrichment to automatically gather industry, company size, revenue, role and more for each respondent.

Based on this data, you can intelligently qualify, score and route leads within the form itself.

πŸ›Ÿ Recover lost leads

Inevitably, some people will start your forms and leave halfway through. Now, you can:

Notify your team whenever a prospect drops off.

Send a custom abandoned form email encouraging people to resume their submission.

Form abandonment workflow

πŸ“© Better data with smart email validation

Enforce valid addresses or company-only emails to improve data quality.

πŸ”Ž Boost conversion with autocomplete

Autofill addresses, company size, industry, role and more to reduce friction.

Use dynamic form shortening to automatically hide known fields. Fewer questions = more conversions.

Example scheduling workflow with smart routing

πŸ’Ό Optimize ad campaigns (Coming soon)

Send conversion events to LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter and Google Ads to optimize your campaigns.

New in Fillout ✨ Page logic 2.0, conditional integrations, Zendesk, better preview mode & more

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ December 06, 2023

We've been working on some major new initiatives these past few weeks at Fillout.

I'm excited to share some of these updates today and an even bigger update next week to wrap up the year.

πŸ”€ Page logic 2.0

It's now significantly easier to create multi-page forms with branching logic.

We've completely reworked "page logic" from the ground up - let us know what you think!

πŸ›ŽοΈ Zendesk integration

Fillout now integrates natively with Zendesk, the leading customer service platform. Create tickets and leads based on custom form workflows.

πŸ”Ž Preview mode "skip to page"

Skip to any page in your form while in preview mode.

Entering preview mode is also much faster ⚑️

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» React embed library

For developers: we've released a npm package,@fillout/react, that makes it easy to embed Fillout forms on your websites and apps.

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Conditional integrations

Post-form integrations, like Slack notifications, webhooks and more, can now be set to run only if a condition is met.

You can even create multiple versions of each integration that trigger in different cases.

πŸ’Ό Create HubSpot companies and deals

The Fillout + HubSpot integration now supports creating companies and deals, in addition to contacts.

πŸ› Fixes and improvements

  • Added the ability to delete themes. Themes in use by other forms will display a warning message before you delete them.
  • Improved right-to-left (RTL) support.
  • Added option to configure left and right labels on the "slider" field.

New in Fillout ✨ Progress bar, custom CSS, advanced designer, 2x faster loading & more

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ November 13, 2023

I'm particularly excited to share this update - our biggest upgrade to form styling since we introduced the theme designer just 1 year ago.

If you make client-facing forms or need a consistent brand image, these changes will have an immediate impact.
Let us know what you think here!

πŸ“Š Customizable progress bar

Boost conversion rates with a custom progress bar.

You choose which pages belong to which steps. Respondents can even click the progress bar to go back to previous pages.

🎨 Custom CSS

Custom CSS is now supported at the theme-level, so you can define your CSS in one place across multiple forms.

We also introduced stable class names to make CSS easier to write - more details here.

πŸ–ΌοΈ Advanced form designer

Get fancy with the advanced designer. Customize input rounding, form width, button types, padding and more.

⚑️ 2x faster load times

Fillout forms now open roughly twice as fast. We're continuing to improve performance in the coming weeks - stay tuned!

β™Ώ Accessibility improvements

We've made a number of improvements to make field inputs and validation messages more accessible to screen readers.

🎫 Share form with a QR code

Head to the share tab to generate a unique QR code for your form.

πŸ› Fixes and improvements

  • Added the option to send a receipt with the Stripe payment integration.
  • Added support for filtering record pickers with the Monday integration.
  • Improved navigation between form submissions on the results page, including support for arrow keys.
  • Added "Other" option for the dropdown field type.
  • Added the option to access the number of selected linked records in logic and answer piping.

Fillout Launch Week Day 5 ✨ Workspaces v2 (now free) and multi-account support

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ October 20, 2023

It's the last day of Fillout Launch Week. We hope you've enjoyed following along 😊

For our last launch, we tackled one of the most frequent complaints about Fillout: managing lots of forms or multiple accounts.

πŸ—‚οΈ Workspaces are now free

Workspaces are like folders - an easy way to organize your forms.

We overhauled workspaces and made them available on all plans, including the free tier. Let us know what you think of the new layout!

πŸ‘― Join multiple organizations

If you're a freelancer or consultant working with multiple clients, you'll likely want to create separate Fillout organizations for each.

You can now join multiple organizations with the same email. Plus, easily switch between them in one click.

βš™οΈ Granular permissions (premium)

Fillout now supports adding collaborators to specific workspaces and with read-only access. This is a good way to make sure that only the right people can make changes to your forms.

That's a wrap for Launch Week! Let us know what your favorite update was or if you have any feedback on how we can improve Fillout.

Fillout Launch Week Day 4 ✨ Import your Google Forms

Dominic avatar
Shared by Dominic β€’ October 19, 2023

Welcome to Day 4 of Fillout Launch Week.

Today's launch is a bit different. Instead of adding new features, we wanted to make it easier to get started with Fillout in the first place.

Introducing the Google Form Importer:

You've almost certainly heard of Google Forms - it's the most popular form builder with over 1 billion users. Our new tool makes it quick and easy to import an existing Google Form into Fillout.

πŸ‘‰ Getting started

First, connect your Google Forms account and choose the form you want to import.

That's it! If you don't have a Fillout account, you don't even need to sign up to see the end result.

We also made specific pages for features that Fillout supports that Google Forms does not, like adding a signature field, protecting your form with CAPTCHA, accepting payments and 17 others.

Let us know what you think if you try it out and stay tuned for our final Launch Week update tomorrow on LinkedIn or Twitter.