Hello awesome humans! 👋 Brendan here, bringing you the details of our latest updates that improve your lives, and the lives of your patients. Let's dive in!
Version 6, released at the end of 2023, represents a huge leap forward in the capability of your Forms. There's too much to mention here, so check out the
What's New in v6 article, or check out the video below for the highlights:
Ever had the internet go down and been unable to use Finger-Ink? Or a patient who refused to use an iPad to fill out a Form?
We know how much effort you've all put into designing your perfect Forms within Finger-Ink — so we put some effort into giving you a "print preview" of your Form. Access it through this new button in the Form editor:
We do our best to ensure your visibility conditions are followed — obviously we can't show or hide questions on paper as the pen is writing, but we do try to label anything with a visibility condition appropriately — so they're answered only when required.
Print preview is a "beta" feature for now as there may be some rough edges. Please let us know if you find any. 🙏
When Forms are filled out on a laptop or desktop, we show a sidebar. This sidebar shows your logo, clinic & Form name, and the sections contained within the Form — among other things.
The sidebar now displays more easy-to-follow progress as you move through the sections:
It's also resized in a smarter way: the logo is no longer hidden, and if the list of sections is too long, a scroll bar for the sections appears and is moved as you progress through the Form.
Previously the logo was only displayed on the sidebar. Now, we also display the logo prominently on mobile devices:
Previously, we placed an asterisk next to a field to show it was required. We've now introduced a much more obvious "required" label, which changes to a tick once the field has been filled:
(note: this tick also appears when an option field is filled)
Multi-line text fields now automatically expand when more text is entered than the box originally allows for:
That's all for now! Enjoy the updates, and thanks for reading 🥳