What's new with Finger-Ink?
iPad app

Version 7 is out now

Brendan avatar
Shared by Brendan • October 30, 2024

Hello all you wonderful people! Today is a very exciting day for me — as the changes we've been working on for the last few months have been released! I'm excited to introduce to you — Finger-Ink version 7! 🎉

This release is all about the iPad and the Kiosk. What exactly has changed? Let's find out.

Hosted kiosk actions pages

In a previous release, we allowed you to define a custom "actions URL" for the kiosk. This would result in a button being displayed on the initial kiosk screen which would redirect to that URL.

Well, starting from today, we'll host that page for you! Here's what it looks like on the iPad:

That hosted page looks great on the iPad during kiosk mode, and on a patient's mobile (if they scan the QR code instead).

If you want to know about all the ins and outs, the different options, and how you can still use a custom URL if you want to — check out our article on offering actions other than check-in.

Kiosk setup has moved to the Portal

Previously, kiosk setup was performed on each device. This meant that if you wanted to change anything (like a form requirement), you needed physical access to the device.

New in version 7 — configuration is now within the Portal itself. There's too much to show you here, but you can check out the article on configuring the kiosk to learn the ins and outs.

Label the iPad and change the passcode from the Portal

Ever forgotten your passcode? Not sure which of the authorised iPads you are looking at? Problems of the past with version 7!

You can now give each iPad an alias, and change the passcode, all from the Portal itself:

Bonus forms feature

Still reading? Bless you ❤️. As a thanks — I'd love to let you know about a new feature that allows you to skip the appointment linking when Finger-Ink creates a treatment note.

The result is that the appointment won't get a little treatment note icon and clutter up your already chock-a-block calendars! You can change this behaviour in the form editor, down the bottom:

Don't forget to publish!

That's all I've got to tell you about for now. We'll have lots more announcements in the very near future so watch this space. Thanks for being awesome!