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New Challenge Category: Blockchain

jack avatar
Shared by jack • June 15, 2023

Part of the Hack The Box mission is to provide our community with constantly up-to-date content, following the latest trends and threats. We are excited to introduce a new Challenge category focusing on blockchain technology.

This new set of cybersecurity upskilling content will address main Web3 concerns and vulnerabilities that affect developers, corporations, and users.

Practice on Hack The Box

We have developed a comprehensive set of Challenges (powered by HackenProof) aimed at transforming inexperienced developers into highly skilled individuals proficient in understanding the underlying technology of smart contracts and the associated security challenges.

Embark on an epic and fully gamified 8-bit RPG adventure alongside Alex, where you'll be transported to a world teeming with mythical creatures and endless possibilities. Prepare for the adventure of a lifetime, where courage and determination will be your greatest allies.

Blockchain security for enterprise

Organizations can employ experts to help you design a compliant and secure solution and help you achieve your business goals or upskill talent in-house.

When building an enterprise blockchain application, it’s essential to consider security at all technology stack layers and how to manage governance and permissions for the network.

Blockchain Challenges will soon be available for business customers, enabling major organizations to act safely and protect millions of funds. Get in touch with our team to know more.