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Detect hard-to-find vulnerabilities with the new HTB CWEE path and exam.

katemous avatar
Shared by katemous • February 22, 2024

We are thrilled to introduce our first certification covering specialized security job roles: HTB Certified Web Exploitation Expert (HTB CWEE).

This new specialized course material focuses on building a mindset around risk mitigation and vulnerability identification, using various advanced and modern vulnerabilities as demos.

This approach not only helps in identifying all of the covered vulnerabilities in the path but also others that are based on the same concepts or attack principles.

How to get your certification

  1. Complete the Senior Web Penetration Tester job-role path. The path consists of 15 threat-connected courses based on the current industry trends.
  2. Enter the exam & start the pentest.
  3. Submit your report.

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