What's New in TTM for Jira

🔝 New Release!

Meital avatar
Shared by Meital • August 07, 2024

Hi there,

We're excited to announce that a new version has been deployed! ✌🏻

What's New:

  • Copy Folder Structure: Create test runs matching your folder structure in Test Design.
  • Quick Add Environment & Build: Easily create environments and builds, similar to adding labels in Jira.
  • AI-Generated Tests & UI/UX Enhancements: Custom fields are now on the UI for manual data entry, with warnings for fields needing manual setup. Instantly stop operations with 'ESC' or a new stop button, and see total tests after generation.
  • Bug Fixes & Improvements: Performance upgrades and bug fixes for a smoother experience.

Enjoy and as always feel free to reach out with any feedback 🤓