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Release Notes 1/09/2023

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • January 09, 2023

An overview of our latest release features.

1. Automated Work Order Statuses

We have made it significantly easier to know when a WO needs your attention via a new system defined Work Order status. At any moment every WO has a system set status:

  • Action Required
  • In Progress
  • Complete
  • Closed-Archived.
  • Canceled (Coming Soon)

Any WO set to Action Required has some related resource / object that is waiting on you to take action to keep the WO progressing. The new WO status is calculated by looking at the Statuses of all the resources related to the WO, such as Trips, Purchase Orders, Proposals, and Invoices. If any of the Statuses on the associated resources require action, then the WO Status will be “Action Required”. If no resources require action then the WO status will be “In Progress”.A WO is set to “Complete” once all resources on the WO are done, and “Closed-Archived” when the WO is Complete and it is past its WO Close Date.

You can find a list of all WO statuses, organized by resource status and company type (Broker, Vendor, Client), by following this link.

When a work order has an "Action Required" status, you can hover over the status icon to view information about which resources required action. The WO statuses automatically update as the resource statuses update. Remember, an "Action Required" WO, means you need to take action on it.

We have maintained the original internal WO Status field and have renamed it to “Custom WO Status”. This field can be used to further understand the health of a work order (ie Extended or Sub Statuses such as “Ready for Billing” / “Auto Generate Invoices”). You can still configure your custom WO Statuses (label, color and icon) in company settings.

Furthermore, we've removed the functionality to delete a trip. Now, you can cancel a trip and modal will appear asking you to give a cancellation reason which will send an email to the vendor, change the trip status to cancelled and grey out the trip on the work order detail + list view.

2. Work Order & Trip Filters

We made it vastly simpler to find Trips and WOs that require your attention.

We added easy-access filter buttons to the top of the work order or calendar views. These buttons include actionable Trip and WO statuses that when clicked will filter the WO/Trip list. These buttons also have a count of the Trips that are in each Status so you get a quick “Overview” of how many Trips need your attention. Any Trip Status with a count of zero will no longer display to help you focus on just those statuses that have Trips associated with them.

These buttons are synced with the filters in the left side filter pane. To clear all the filters, click "Show all Trips" or clear the filters from the side filters.

Please note: The default filtering for this listing is now only WOs that are "Action Required," "In Progress," and "Complete". This keeps your WO list smaller and easier to manage. You can always manually add additional WO Statuses in the left filter pane.

The filters at the top are dynamic and are removed from the header bar when they have been actioned.

3. Recurring Trips

You can now set up recurring trip (scheduled services) for Work Orders (on-demand or agreement-based) for vendors and team members. You can choose from several options for scheduling trips: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom. You can also add multiple trip schedules for different vendors and team members under the same Work Order to make your operations and accounting more efficient. To create a recurring schedule, you can use the "recurring schedule trip" tab in the Work Order creation modal or the agreement setup wizard.

4. New Verified Trip Statuses

With Verified Trips, you can make sure the work meets your standards and prevent invoicing until the work has been “Verified”. As a default, Service Management Companies and Vendors will still be able to invoice unverified trips. There is a new company setting that will restrict users from invoicing unverified trips. This can be found by navigating to the Invoice>Invoice Creation>Allow Clients to Invoice Unverified Trips / WOs.

After service is completed the Vendor and Service Management Company will verify the work. A vendor can only un-verify a trip if the Service Management Company (work order dispatcher) has not yet verified it. After the Service Management Company verifies the trip, the vendor won't be able to un-verify or verify it.

You can verify trips by going to the trip dropdown on the Work Order full view or list view and clicking the action button on the far right.

Furthermore, you will be able to verify either per service or the entire trip.

5. Internal Team Member Profit & Loss

For self performed work you can now manage accurate profit & loss statements. You can now associate hourly rates (General, Overtime and Doubletime) to your internal technicians user profile. Additionally, materials added to the WO are included in the cost calculation for self-performed work..

The costing data is available on:

  1. The work order custom report download with four new columns: Internal labor / material costs, vendor labor costs, supplier material costs and profit/loss.
  2. On each WO under the Invoice tab.

6. Work Order Report Optimization

We've made significant improvements to the work order report download so that you can create highly customizable reports. You can now toggle the following fields on and off:

  • Cover Page
  • Include Trip Attachments
  • Show Work Order Description
  • Show Trip Description
  • Show Check in and Check Out times
  • Display Vendor Details
  • Open Days
  • Check in Photos Report
  • Permanent Site Instructions
  • Permanent Client Instructions
  • Field Signature
  • Report Signature
  • Store Stamp
  • Store Section
  • Work Order Notes
  • Repair Notes
  • Material