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Product update

Release Notes 3/24/2023

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • March 24, 2023

An overview of our latest release features.

Hey there,

We have made updates across the platform including feature optimizations, new enhancements and bug fixes. The steps below will guide you on how to take advantage of this new capability.

If you have any questions, please contact or message us using the chat on the upper right of the menu!

Auto Assign WO Manager from Sites & Agreements: Streamlined Work Order Management

Imagine a world where work orders are automatically assigned to the right manager based on trade and site. With Auto Assign, that world is now a reality. Set up trade-specific Work Order Managers for your sites and agreements, and your Work Orders will inherit these managers automatically. For example, if Sally Jones is set up as the WO Manager for Site ABC, anytime a WO is created for Site ABC, Sally Jones will auto-populate into the WO Manager field on the WO details page. This powerful feature simplifies WO creation, ensures the right person is assigned to WOs, and sends email notifications, regardless of the creation method.

Verify Trip - Edit: Ensuring Trip Data Integrity

Work verification integrity is crucial when managing trips. We updated Trip Verification such that it now requires users to unverify a Trip to make edits or adjustments. This prevents accidental modifications and keeps your Trip data accurate and reliable.

Auto Generate Invoices on Manual Custom WO Status Change: Flexible Invoice Generation

Invoicing just got easier. Configure your company settings to auto-generate invoices when a WO is set to a specific Custom Status. You can tailor the invoicing process to meet your business needs, ensuring smooth and efficient billing operations. Please note autogeneration will impacted by the settings listed below:

  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Work Order Completion and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is ON then ALL TRIPS must be COMPLETED (not verified) before an invoice can be created.
  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Work Order Completion and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is OFF then ALL TRIPS must be VERIFIED before an invoice can be created.
  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Any Billable Item and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is ON then at least ONE TRIP must be COMPLETED (not verified) before an invoice can be created (and only for that completed trip).
  • If Work Order Invoice Generation is Upon Any Billable Item and Allow invoicing on UNVERIFIED TRIPS is OFF then at least ONE TRIP must be VERIFIED before an invoice can be created (and only for that verified trip)

Remove Department - Invoice Creation: Enhanced Invoice Customization

Reveal Items not associated with any department by simply removing the department from the Invoice. This feature is supported by an informative icon, and enables a more organized and seamless invoice creation experience.

Receive Vendor Invoice Only Shows Invoice-able Trips

Receiving Vendor Invoices now only displays trips that are “Ready for Billing”, and takes into consideration your WO invoice generation settings. This simplifies billing, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

Custom Status Activity Post: Improved Vendor-Broker Collaboration

Monitor Custom Status changes that happen through UC and Service Channel platforms. This improves transparency and collaboration between vendors and brokers.

Map View - Fast Access to Vendor Details & Contact Information

Quickly access vendor contact information during WO creation from the “Map” module. Select a vendor on the map, and view their email, phone number, and compliance percentage.

Client/Site Edit UX Redesign

The Client & Site edit wizard is now similar to the Vendor Profile edit wizard making it easier to learn and use. The experience is now more unified across all modules.

Pencil Icon Update

Please note, in order to now edit a site, client or vendor you must click the eyeball button and then automatically land on the edit tab to make any necessary changes.

Find Assignee Information Quicker

Now you can quickly see assignee information from the WO listing page (without going into the details). View the WO Manager, send notes, and access full names and phone numbers of Team Members or Vendors. This feature fosters communication by simplifying how you contact the people involved in a WO.

Item Linking Enhancements

We enhanced the Item linking process to help users link Services that are not associated with an Item on Proposals, POs, and Invoices. When you select a Service that isn't linked to an Item and click "Link Item(s)," the system will automatically default the Generic Item fields based on your Income & Expense account setup. Default Income & Expense accounts will be determined using Item Type and Company Settings. This works for many scenarios such as Broker-to-Broker, Vendors-to-Broker, Brokers-to-Client, and Brokers creating Invoices/Proposals on behalf of Vendors.

Create missing Sites on-the-fly during Work Order Creation

Spend less time adding a missing Site during the Work Order (WO) creation flow.

Relational View for Clients, Vendors & Sites: Improved UI

Edit screens are now conveniently located in separate tabs, and new "Analytics" and "Profile”

tabs have been added for data visualization and profile information. This simplifies navigation and provides valuable insights for managing Clients, Vendors, and Sites.

Get Important Vendor Alerts before Dispatching them Work

Now you can be alerted to relevant information about your Vendors before you send them work to help you make more informed dispatch decisions.

The new "Notes & Alerts" tab on the vendor profile allows you to create notifications such as:

  • Vendor ABC’s truck has broken down for the day.
  • Vendor XYZ has been showing up very late recently.
  • Vendor MMM has not been as responsive as they once were.

Alerts are displayed during single Work Order creation, batch WO creation, and on the Site listing page.

Recruit Form Assignment: Streamlined Vendor Invitation Process

Collect customized information about your prospective Vendors before making an onboarding decision. Add your own questions for them to answer as part of filling out their profile such as:

  • Certifications
  • Years in business
  • The number of techs they employ
  • Cumulative years of Plumbing experience amongst their technicians
  • etc.

Recruit Form on Vendor Profile: Easy Access to Vendor Applications

Access and review vendor applications & your custom form questionnaires effortlessly with our new "Applications" tab on the vendor profile. Brokers can easily review single or multiple recruit surveys, improving the overall decision making regarding vendor applications.

Agreement Enhancement for Region Team Members: Improved Bulk Assignment

Efficiently assign an entire region of Team Members to an agreement. Add services and assign regions as needed, speeding up the Agreement creation process.

Tax Updates: Improved Rounding and Calculations

We made an update to our rounding, tax, and margin/markup calculations for Invoices, POs, and Proposals. The platform now uses standard rounding (.5 or above rounds up and less then .5 rounds down). Additionally, the Aggregate Tax % has been converted to a dollar amount in the total section and on each line item. This change has been applied to margin/markup calculations, ensuring consistency across all documents including PDFs.

Extended Work Order / Trip Change History

We have enhanced the Activity feed change log with additional Work Order / Trip data, providing greater visibility into who & when changes to key fields were made. The Activity Feed log now includes Services, Tasks, Custom Status, Client NTE, Vendor Assignment, Trip Cancel, and Vendor NTE. This allows users to know who made changes, when the changes were made, and the specific data update (including original and new data). In addition, we fixed a bug to ensure the Activity Feed displays the Company and User information for Work Orders created through Bulk Dispatch or Bulk Upload.

Accumulated Task Report: Enhanced Data Accuracy and Speed

We improved data accuracy and efficiency with our improved Accumulated Task Report. Say goodbye to duplicate task records and repeated sites. Plus, get ready for enhanced download speed, coming soon, to make accessing your task data even faster and more convenient!

If you have any questions, please reach out to or message us on the platform via our Live Chat!