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AP/AR/Batch Release

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • June 26, 2023

An overview of our latest release features.

Hey there,

We are proud to release our beta version of our AR/AP module!

Please note:

  • If you are leveraging Broker to Broker, proposal or weather based workflow, this functionality will not yet work for you.
  • If you are leveraging invoicing on the current system, this will not affect your workflow.
  • If you have a QBO/QBD Integration, batch invoicing will not yet sync into your financial systems.

We would love to hear any and all feedback you have so we can continue to make improvements!

If you have any questions, please contact or message us using the chat on the upper right of the menu!

Accounts Receivables

This tab focuses on all your client invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

Accounts Receivable has 3 sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Clients that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Clients → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select the Trips you want to Invoice:

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoice-able Trip for a single Client
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Client
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Send
  • Save & Mark Sent
  • Save & Approve to Send
  • Save As Draft
  • Skip (No Invoice Generation)

Reminder: If your Invoice exceeds your Client NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Client, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Attention Invoices

View all the Invoices that require action.

  • i.e. Invoice that are in Draft or are Sent & Overdue

The two main actions will be:

  • Receive Payment
  • Edit

Generate standalone invoices by clicking the blue “+” on the upper right of the pane.

Clicking a row to view the invoice details on the right hand side of the screen. Double click to open the details in full-screen.


Analyze all of your Accounts Receivable data via our business intelligence platform.

Accounts Payable

This tab focuses on all the Vendor invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

This page will be broken down into four sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Vendors that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Vendors → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select which Trips for which you want to create Vendor Invoice(s)

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoiceable Trip for a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Approve
  • Save & Mark Sent

Reminder: If the invoice exceeds the Vendor NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Vendor, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Pending Approval

  • View invoices that need to be reviewed and then approved or rejected.


  • View all approved invoices that are ready to be paid.
  • You will have the option to apply credits to invoices or pay using our Stripe integration


  • Analyze all of your Accounts Payable data via our business intelligence platform.

Batch Invoicing

We're excited to announce the release of new features and enhancements to our invoicing module. Our goal is to continue to evolve the capabilities of our invoicing experience for brokers and vendors.

Batch Invoices: Consolidate multiple Work Orders (WOs) into a single invoice to simplify consumption for your clients. Select from different PDF invoice templates and your grouping level (ie 1 Invoice per Site or Client).

NTE Limit Alerts: Receive real-time alerts during invoice review and vendor invoice creation when the invoice total exceeds the Not-To-Exceed (NTE) limits set by brokers. Adjust line items as needed to address NTE limits and prevent “surprise” invoice amounts.

For Client Invoice, this is just an alert. Client Invoices can be submitted even when the Work Order Total exceeds the Client NTE.

For Vendor Invoices, depending on your settings, the Vendor will be blocked from submitting invoices that exceed the NTE.

  • When this setting is on, Save and other secondary actions will be blocked until all NTE warnings are addressed.
  • When this setting is off, nothing will be blocked, but the Alerts will still display.

Click the link below to watch a quick video on the new module!

If you have any questions, please reach out to or message us on the platform via our Live Chat!