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Product update

Material Capture, Multiple Techs Onsite and More!

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • May 23, 2023

An overview of our latest release features coming soon! Please note these features are not released yet.

Hey there,

We are happy to introduce a few new features to help streamline your workflows.

We would love to hear any and all feedback you have so we can continue to make improvements!

If you have any questions, please contact or message us using the chat on the upper right of the menu!

Material Capture

We are excited to announce that materials entered by the Technicians on the mobile app are now available on the WO and will be included on the resulting Invoice.

Enhanced Material Capture Setup:

There are 3 ways to add Material to a Work Order via the Mobile app and are configurable in our settings:

  • Repair Form
  • Custom Form
  • Time and Task Service

Materials captured on mobile will be sent to the Materials tab on the WO, and then to the Invoice.

Improved Material Capture on Mobile

1. Materials added to the WO on Web will auto-populate on the Mobile app after Check In

2. Edit material quantity

3. Add additional Materials

4. Set the inventory source to either "Provided by Client" & "Provided by My Company".

  • When set to Provided by Client these materials will not be invoice-able by the Vendor
  • When set to Provided by My Company these materials will be invoice-able by the Vendor

Inventory Source Selection on Web

Add and edit inventory source for each material line item in WO Full View.

Update/Add the Material Source

  • Provided by Client
  • Provided by My Company

Changes in inventory source will be logged in the Activity Feed.

Invoicing Enhancements

  • Billable Materials now get sent to Invoices.
  • When the material source is “Provided by Client” these materials will not be invoice-able by the Vendor
  • When the material source is “Provided by My Company” these materials will be invoice-able by the Vendor
  • All Materials appear on all Client invoices regardless of the material source.

Multiple Team Member Check-In

We are excited to introduce the ability for many technicians to check into a WO and have this flow through to Invoices. This provides greater check-in flexibility and control and reduces invoice inaccuracies due to many techs onsite at once.

Please note, upon check-in, there will be a new field which allows you to input total tech's on site. You DO NOT need to enter any information and here can simply click "Confirm Check In" to proceed.

Capture all the Technicians that are onsite

We now support two ways to capture when many techs are onsite:

1. Each technician checks into the Trip themselves. This is the preferred method since:

  • This is validated data via GPS.
  • You will get time capture for each technician

2. Any Checked in user can set the "Total Techs Onsite" in the situation where each tech can’t check in themselves.

  • This user can also indicate which Technicians are with them by name
  • The time onsite will be the same for all these technicians

Please note this works with CIWO, Bulk Dispatch, and On-Demand WOs.

Vendor Tech Assignments and Check-in

  • Vendor users (with "Can Edit" permission) can assign 1 or more techs to a WO.
  • Any of the Vendor’s techs that are assigned to the WO can check into the same trip.
  • The WO will capture all the Techs that check in and how long they were onsite.

Configuration & Editing

  • New config setting "Total Techs Onsite" added to Tasks Timers.
  • WO managers can edit the "Total Techs Onsite" at Trip and Task Level via the web

Improved Invoice Labor Calculation

Invoice labor calculation is now based on ALL the techs that checked in.

Two methods of check-in:

1. Individual techs checking in (preferred)

  • Each tech’s time onsite is used in the labor calculation

2. Tech A checking in on behalf of other techs

  • All of these techs are assumed to be onsite for the same duration of time

Invoice line item description includes the number of techs checked in and their names.

Photos on Web & Mobile Apps

We're excited to introduce new features that enhance the map experience for brokers, vendors, and team members. These updates provide improved visibility and user experience across multiple devices.

Location Check-Ins and Photos on Map:

  • Display checked-in users and geo-tagged photos on the map view for brokers on web and mobile.
  • See the name, and photo of the Vendor tech / Team Member next to Site pins for checked-in WOs.

Travel Time User Status:

  • When the tech is late, the user's profile picture will show 50% opacity and yellow status color.
  • Once complete the pin will revert to gray, and then green once they checked out, until someone else checks in.

Bug Fixes & Micro Enhancements

  • Proposal numbers getting cutoff on PDFs has been fixed
  • Mass open/close work orders not holding during infinity scroll is now fixed
  • Other minor system bugs

Micro Enhancements

  • Update to proposal language in the client signature section on template #5
  • The ability to edit and delete vendor alerts is now implemented.
  • Notes that are received from ServiceChannel are now visible in client notes instead of private notes.
  • Service Request: Priority levels as defined in your company settings will now auto populate into the description form on Step 2 of the service request. Users can now simply enter the corresponding number to define their priority.
  • Copy Trip Enhancement: Please note you will have two options when copying a trip: Copy & Create which takes the exact same ETA, ETC and trip close times. Copy & Edit which allows you to choose new times.

If you have any questions, please reach out to or message us on the platform via our Live Chat!