Latest News from the UtilizeCore team
Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • July 14, 2023

An overview of our latest system update

Hey there,

We've just pushed some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!


  • We have fixed an issue where users were unable to access union rates from the site modules when there were multiple trades assigned to a specific site.
  • We have fixed an issue on the Client relationship view that prevented users from accessing the Work Orders tab.
  • We have fixed an issue on the client portal where the work order creation date was displayed under the work order manager column.
  • We have fixed an issue where a “Vendor Request” email was being sent to clients when that client was created from an API/Integration
  • We have fixed an issue where the mass open/close work orders were not holding if users performed any actions on the list view.
  • We have fixed a performance issue with automated invoice reports which was preventing generation
  • We have fixed an issue that was preventing photos to properly sync from the mobile application. Please note this only affects users who are leveraging a SitePhotos Integration. All unsynced photos have also been successfully uploaded.
  • We have fixed an issue that was preventing users from adding assignees manually while bulk assigning services.

Web Enhancements:

  • On the work order list view when you click on the three ellipses the “Activity” option has been renamed to “Notes”
  • Date formatting issues corrected for vendor and team member trip dispatch emails. All dates will now be read in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • Show Signature Date & Time for On-Site Checkouts: Whenever a technician checks out with a signature while on-site, the Signature Date & Time will now be captured and displayed. This helps with precise tracking and verification of on-site work.
  • Auto-Population of Description Field from "Name" Field on Web: When viewing photos on the web interface, the "Description" field will now be populated from the "Name" field, reducing duplication and ensuring consistency.
  • The word “equipment” has been renamed to “asset” across the entire web application.
  • Auto-Population of Trade, Service, and Tasks in Trip Creation: To reduce the number of clicks and improve usability, all trades, services, and tasks will now auto-fill into the trip creation modal when a new trip is created within a work order. This applies to all three trip types: Trip with Defined Dates, Flexible Schedule Trips, and Recurring Trip Scheduler. Please note that if multiple trades are associated with the work order, the auto-population of service and task will only happen after a trade has been selected by the user.
  • Added new settings as Purchase Orders in Workflow settings for adding custom text in footer.