Latest News from the UtilizeCore team
Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 7/21

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • July 21, 2023

An overview of our latest system update.

Hey there,

We've just pushed some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Bugs Fixes:

We have fixed a few important bugs to improve your experience with our platform.

  • Invoices were getting created for Inactive scheduled service (Agreement).
  • Bulk assign services under scheduled service where user was unable to add assignee manually.
  • Updated some validations on scheduled service of type Invoice based from complete Work Order - Equipment, testing and maintenance and Separate WorkOrder separate invoice - Equipment, testing and maintenance for 1) Adding services 2) Activation of scheduled service, if services are not added 3) Trade and Services
  • Updated scheduled services where Invoice was not getting created manually
  • Updated INS sheet report where Vendor billing rate was not populating
  • Updated Time Tracker Report download performance

Web Enhancements:

  • Change in Client/Vendor Invoice Icon for Status “not ready for billing” wherein users will now be more clear on vendor and client billing status for work orders from work order list view. An empty grey box will be displayed in the work order list view and detail view for clients/vendors when the work order is in a “not ready for billing” state. Along with this, a grey invoice icon will be displayed on the work order list view and detail view when client/vendor invoices are ready for billing.
  • New setting is added for NTE to restrict updating it after work order is synced from Service Channel in Service Channel Integrations. If the Setting is ON then the system will allow NTE update in UC even after work order is synced from Service Channel and if it is kept OFF, NTE will not be updated in UC.
  • Performance optimization done for Accumulated Task Report. Now the users will be able to download the Accumulated Task Report sooner than it was before.