Latest News from the UtilizeCore team
Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 7/28

Alec avatar
Shared by Alec • July 28, 2023

An overview of our latest system update.

Hey there,

We've just pushed some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!


  • Added new field as Work Order Name on WO Details screen and as new column in WO list view. Also in WO reports Standard, Simplified, Advanced, Task.
  • Updated the inventory source labels for a Broker while adding material to make them relevant as per selection from mobile app and web.
  • Updated footer text under Proposal to be more relevant for all templates.
  • Added automation for creating Billing reports and sending it to client on a scheduled time and frequency
  • Enhanced scheduled services functionality for assigning Site's Service specific Task to WO created through scheduled service.
  • Enhanced scheduled services functionality for assigning Priority level for ETA,ETC,Trip Close.
  • Tracking Activity for WO created by Contractor
  • Provided user ability to update/delete team member association to site via Site upload
  • Enhanced Time Tracker page where we display the assignee associated to work order


  • Fixed WO status where WO Trip Status was not updating from Waiting For Approval (Pink) To Verified
  • Fixed total tech count in individual invoice line item
  • Fixed Dispatch email to Team member who was receiving 2 Dispatch Email when a trip is already dispatched to a vendor for a work order.
  • Fixed accepting/rejecting trip functionality from non onboarded vendor through Email
  • Fixed scheduled services activate function for service assigned to Region team member
  • Updated UI to not display the vendors team member name on creating client invoice from Broker