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Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 8/10

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 10, 2023

An overview of our upcoming system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Enhancements -

  • Enhanced WO reports under WO detail page and WO list page. Now the user can save a template for WO detail report and WO custom report so the user does not have to select the report criteria every-time s/he wants to download the report. User just has to select the saved Template from template dropdown and download the report. Users can save as many as the template needed.
  • Enhanced WO notes functionality for Broker users to tag specific Site contacts, Client and Vendor team members. Also, when a note is sent to a client or vendor by tagging a particular team member then that team member will only receive notification unlike previous functionality where the entire company was notified.
  • Added enhancement to Proposal PDF to get Cover Letter, Proposal and Term & Condition in single pdf if Single Proposal PDF setting is turned ON. If the setting Single Proposal PDF is kept off then the user will receive a proposal as s/he receives in the current scenario ( 3 different PDFs for Cover Letter, Proposal and Term & Condition). User can find Setting Single Proposal PDF in WorkFlow settings >> Proposal
  • Added new settings such as "Allow updating Services after Work Order is synced" in SC integration to restrict updating trade and service in WO received from SC once it is synced in the UC app. If the setting is kept ON then the system will allow updating trade and service in WO as per updated in SC after the sync. If the setting is kept OFF then the system will not allow trade and service to be updated in WO as it has updated in SC after the sync.


  • Formatted billing information on Invoice for old/1st template to be displayed in following format -

Site Name

Company Name

PO Box (if applicable)

Street Address, Suite / Apt #

City, State, Zip

  • Removed 'Download Report' button under Sites.
  • Fixed canceled status for WOs when canceled in bulk.
  • Fixed downloading INS report for random WOs
  • Fixed selection criteria for downloading Inspection report where now users just have to select “Forms and Reports' >> “Equipment Reports' >> “Inspection” to download Inspection report .