Latest News from the UtilizeCore team
Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 8/18

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 18, 2023

An overview of our upcoming system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Enhancement -

Added New filters under Vendor List to filter Vendors with criteria - 1. Vendor Onboarded (with options a. Onboarded b. Non-Onboarded ) 2. Compliance (with options 1. Compliant 2. Non-Compliant)


Updated Notes functionality for SC integration wherein 1. Clients and Vendors will be notified of notes whenever received from SC with envelope icon 2. On clicking the Red Note icon on WO listview >> WO >>Actions >> Notes will redirect the user to the Client Notes section.

Enhanced Scheduled Services by adding validation for Recurring Scheduler, ETA, ETC and trip close.

Added restriction for User on Custom Status to disallow user to set the status as Inactive for status that are either in Initial Status or if Status is used in External integration mapping.

Fixed WO creation from Map >> Schedule Button and Site >> WO ,CIWO and TMIWO which was giving incorrect validation to User

Enhanced Scheduled services to generate AP invoices on WO status change for scheduled service work order.