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Product update

Bugs & Micro Enhancements - 8/28

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 28, 2023

An overview of our upcoming system update.

Hey there,

We've pushing some updates for minor bug fixes and micro enhancements tomorrow.

Please see the list below for a full overview.

Make sure to reach out to support if you have any questions!

Enhancements -

  • Added a new notification email for Broker User for service requests when they are submitted by clients. This email will be received by the WO manager as it is working currently. Additionally, if no WO manager is associated then the Broker user can define which users should receive service request emails in WorkFlow settings >> Emails >>CONFIGURE EMAIL RECIPIENTS. If no role or (users) are define in this settings then, by default Service Request emails will be sent to users having role Admin and Admin with company settings
  • Added enhancement in Vendor Compliance to update the vendor compliance percentage if any Compliant Documents are added/updated.
  • Enhanced Client and Vendor tab to hide Approve/Reject link in Work order for Canceled Non compliant Trip.
  • Enhanced Activity under WOs to meet check in/out scenarios so Broker user 1. can see the vendor's check in and check out if the trip is assigned to the vendor. 2. if a trip is reassigned from 1 vendor to another then all check in/out done by vendors should be seen along with vendor company name.
  • Enhanced WO note email notification by adding third party (ServiceChannel, Corrigo, etc ) WO number in it for better information to users.
  • Enhanced template functionality in filters so now the user is able to save templates for all users within the company by selecting the Company Specific Template checkbox while saving the template.
  • Added enhancement in Vendor Compliance to update the vendor compliance percentage if any Compliant Documents are expired. Also added settings under workflow settings for controlling auto-calculation of vendor compliance percentage on document expiration.

Bug Resolution

  • Corrected Vendor contact number in WO Reports XLS when user edits it on portal.
  • Corrected trip reports so the vendor user can see relevant reports for him/er-self.
  • Corrected Invoice generation message “Work Order X is not included in the list” that was showing up randomly to the user.
  • Added corrections to Invoice total so the user does not get invalid validation message randomly
  • Corrected Standard WO Report so the user does not get random duplicate data in the report.
  • Corrected Proposal notification email. Should always be pushed out on the first rendition.
  • Corrected sync for Sisense Dashboard