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Bugs & Enhancements Announcement - 10/6/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • November 07, 2023

We are proud to be releasing our new versions of the Invoicing (AR/AP) and Employees module to everyone! You will still have access to the old invoice module in-tandem.

Employee Module -

  • Employee (Beta) tab will be available to all users along with the legacy Employee module.
  • Redesigned Employees from the ground up to make it easier to find and add employees.
  • We’ve made it easier than ever to quickly invite new team members
  • Crew management has been streamlined, with a new easy-to-navigate interface.
  • New interface for adding and editing Roles makes managing permissions a breeze.
  • New filter bar makes it easier than ever to zero in on the records you need

AR/AP Module -

Receivables(Beta), Payables(Beta) and Payments(Beta) tabs will be available to users under the Accountings tab along with the legacy Invoice module.

Accounts Receivables

This tab focuses on all your client invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

Accounts Receivable has 3 sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Clients that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Clients → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select the Trips you want to Invoice:

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoice-able Trip for a single Client
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Client
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Send
  • Save & Mark Sent
  • Save & Approve to Send
  • Save As Draft
  • Skip (No Invoice Generation)

Reminder: If your Invoice exceeds your Client NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Client, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Attention Invoices

View all the Invoices that require action.

  • i.e. Invoice that are in Draft or are Sent & Overdue

The two main actions will be:

  • Receive Payment
  • Edit

Generate standalone invoices by clicking the blue “+” on the upper right of the pane.

Clicking a row to view the invoice details on the right hand side of the screen. Double click to open the details in full-screen.


Analyze all of your Accounts Receivable data via our business intelligence platform.

Accounts Payable

This tab focuses on all the Vendor invoice related items that need your attention from creation to payment. We show you only what you need to care about - so when these tabs are empty - there is nothing actionable for you.

This page will be broken down into four sub-tabs:

Generate Invoices

Start with a list of only those Vendors that have work that is ready to be invoiced. This list is “nested” and follow this hierarchy:

Vendors → Sites → Work Orders → Trips

You can use this list to select which Trips for which you want to create Vendor Invoice(s)

  • i.e. Choose to invoice every invoiceable Trip for a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select only 4 Sites within a single Vendor
  • i.e. Select 13 specific Trips to invoice across 5 different Clients

Click “Generate Invoice” to quickly review & edit the invoice(s), and then choose to:

  • Save & Approve
  • Save & Mark Sent

Reminder: If the invoice exceeds the Vendor NTE you will not be able to save or send the invoice.

Depending on your screen size, the review and edit UI will have 3 sections:

  • Left pane: Header level data for the Invoice such as Vendor, Site, Work Order, Trips, Contacts, Terms, etc.
  • Center pane: Line Item details for the work that has been completed. The system may automatically add Line Items to this section based on your configuration and the Invoice properties (left side of the screen).
  • Right pane: Attach supporting documents, view Notes and Activity.

Pending Approval

  • View invoices that need to be reviewed and then approved or rejected.


  • View all approved invoices that are ready to be paid.
  • You will have the option to apply credits to invoices or pay using our Stripe integration


  • Analyze all of your Accounts Payable data via our business intelligence platform.

Additional Capabilities in AR/AP Module -

  • Broker’s can be alerted during Invoice approval when the Invoice is for a non-compliant vendor.
  • Users can skip creating any invoice in bulk creation wizard.
  • Bulk Action handling has been improved by clearer success and failure messages.
  • Custom ID will default to the WO Number when:
  1. The Broker is creating an invoice on behalf of Vendor
  2. The Broker selects 2 or more WOs for creating invoices.
  3. The Brokers have the Custom Invoice ID set to required in their settings.
  4. The Broker selects the option to skip the review of the Invoices during the bulk generate process for invoices.
  • Streamlined the invoice creation flow for a single WO.
  • Clicking any resource ID (ie WO, Event, Agreement) will open the details of that resource.
  • The background tasks provide better visibility into download and upload status.
  • The Item Name dropdown displays Item Names and Derived Rates that are more self evident.
  • Invoice Line Items display better on wider screen resolutions.
  • Added enhancement for Client (Receivable) invoice as “Attach WO Details” so that user can attach WO details such as Trip Description, Photos, Signature as WO report to invoice.


We're excited to announce the release of new features and enhancements to our invoicing module. Our goal is to continue to evolve the capabilities of our invoicing experience for brokers and vendors.

Batch Invoices:

  • Consolidate multiple Work Orders (WOs) into a single invoice to simplify consumption for your clients. Batch by Invoice per Site or Client.

Not to Exceed (NTE):

  • If a Broker has this turned on for Client’s invoices, when the broker exceeds the NTE the system will display an alert.
  • If a Broker has this turned on for Vendor invoices, when a Vendor exceeds the NTE they system will display an alert, and prevent the user from submitting the Invoice.
  • This follows the same rules and logic available in the legacy Invoice module.

Enhancements in other modules -

  • Attachment Transfer Enhancement - Broker users in the products and services module can now seamlessly attach files when creating a trade. These attachments will automatically link to any relevant work order generated for that trade, improving workflow efficiency.
  • The "Send Reminder" option in the Trip's kebab menu has been renamed to "Re-send Dispatch Email."
  • All UC users have been removed from Team Member lists.
  • Added a new "Hour" option in the unit of measure field within the items module.
  • Added a new setting File availability in invoice settings to control default enable for Make attachment available to client.

Bug Fixes in other modules -

  • Work Order Notes Icon Fix: The Notes icon in the Work Order List View, for notes added from the UC mobile app, has been fixed.
  • Background Task Fixes: Various issues with Background Tasks have been resolved.
  • Custom Form Fix: Custom Forms that were disappearing from saved templates under download reports have been addressed.
  • Work Order Template Generation Fix: The system now correctly displays saved templates for future Work Order report generation, allowing users to select custom templates from the dropdown. Custom forms are also visible in reports.
  • Sitefotos Integration Sync Updated: Sync functionality with Sitefotos integration has been fixed.
  • Service Level Priority Update Fix: Default Priority at the Service Level now updates as per the user's preferences.
  • Dispatch Trip Functionality Fix: The system now allows broker users to seamlessly dispatch trips when assigned to a Region.
  • Forward Vendor Invoice Functionality Fix: Broker users can now forward Vendor Invoices to clients even when mark-ups are added.
  • Rounding Functionality Fix: Default settings for rounding functionality applied when creating work orders have been fixed.