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Enhancement Announcement - 11/9/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • November 09, 2023

Beta Proposals Module!

We are thrilled to introduce an enhanced Proposals module that represents a significant improvement in creating and reviewing proposals. This new iteration offers an intuitive experience for both newcomers and seasoned users.

Key Features of the New Version:

  • Inclusion of Sent and Received Proposals: The updated module now encompasses both sent and received proposals.
  • Easy Access: You can find this new version conveniently located under the Operations tab, alongside the existing Proposal module.
  • Transition Plan: While the legacy Proposals module remains accessible, it is important to note that it will eventually be phased out. Rest assured, we will provide ample notice before its retirement.

Enhanced Segmentation:

SENT PROPOSALS: This section houses all the proposals you have dispatched to your clients. It is exclusively accessible to Brokers and Vendors.

RECEIVED PROPOSALS: This section compiles all the proposals you have received from your vendors. Access to this section is reserved for Brokers and Clients.

We believe that this revamped Proposals module will greatly improve your workflow and overall experience. Thank you for your continued support and engagement with our platform.


The "Sent Proposal" section will display all proposals sent by Brokers to Clients and all proposals sent by Vendors to Brokers (including proposals created on behalf of the Vendor by the Broker). Within the "Sent Proposal" section, you will find the following tabs:

To Be Sent: Includes all the “Draft” Proposals that are not yet sent.

Requires Action: Includes all the Proposals that require your attention such as a Proposal that has been rejected by your client . This tab includes Proposals with the following statuses:

  1. Sent
  2. Evaluating
  3. Rejected

3. Convert to Work Order: Includes “Approved” Proposals that have not yet had a WO created.

Important Note: Any proposal that receives approval and has a corresponding Work Order created will be accessible under the "Explore" tab > "Sent Proposal."

Enhancements in Sent Proposals:

1. Half View:

You can now enjoy a more streamlined experience when reviewing proposals in the list view.

Simply single-click a proposal or click the ellipsis (three dots) located on the right-hand side.

Choose "View" (as depicted in the image below) to open the proposal details, utilizing only half of the screen real estate.

Please take note: Clicking the ellipsis (three dots) will reveal a comprehensive list of available actions corresponding to the proposal's current status.

These enhancements have been introduced to enhance your efficiency when working with Sent Proposals, allowing for quick and convenient access to proposal details and associated actions.

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Half View:

2. Proposals now have 4 panels to make it easier to create and review

Panel 1: Top

  • Left: Proposal ID
  • Right: Action Buttons, Print, Download, Share, Half/Full Switch, Close

Panel 2: Left

This panel contains all the information about the “Header” level Proposal information such as Client, Site, Contact, etc.

The left panel also includes various PDF related settings such as:

a) Show Client Signature: When checked, the system will include a section for Client Signature in the Proposal PDF.

b) Disabled displaying Individual Pricing of Line Items within PDF: When checked, the system will not display the line item level pricing in Proposal PDF.

c) Add Proposal Terms and Condition on PDF: When checked, the system will include the Terms and Conditions in the Proposal PDF.

Panel 3: Center

The section contains the Line Item details and a summary of the totals at the bottom.

Panel 4: Right

The section contains Attachments and Activities.


In the "Received Proposals" section, you will find all the proposals received by the Broker from a Vendor or received by a Client from a Broker. The primary action within this section is to review and approve proposals. While "Received Proposals" share similarities with "Sent Proposals," there are a few notable exceptions:

  1. Left Panel Content: In "Received Proposals," the left panel displaying General Information will indicate the sender of the proposal (i.e., Vendor) instead of the recipient.
  2. Non-Editable: Unlike "Sent Proposals," proposals in this section are not editable.
  3. New "Evaluate" Status: A new status, "Evaluate," has been introduced. This status allows you to inform the sender that you have received the proposal and acknowledge it, but you are not yet prepared to make an "Approve" or "Reject" decision.
  4. "Convert to Work Order" Tab: The "Convert to Work Order" tab will include all the received proposals that have been approved by the recipient, facilitating easy access to these approved proposals for further action.

These distinctions in the "Received Proposals" section have been designed to provide a clear and efficient process for reviewing and managing proposals received from Vendors and Clients.

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!