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Enhancement & Bug Fix Announcement - 12/22/23

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • December 22, 2023

New Features -

Invoicing Enhancements:

  • Introduced a new provision for invoicing directly from Account Receivable, Payables, Events, Purchase Orders, and Proposals.
  • Streamlined the invoicing process for improved efficiency and user experience.

Site Management Improvements:

  • Enhanced the site management process by implementing safeguards against the deletion of open Work Orders when a site is deleted or deactivated.
  • This ensures data integrity and prevents accidental loss of critical information.

WO Report Enhancements:

  • Added a new field, "Trip Category," to the Work Order (WO) Report for enhanced visibility of trips associated with work orders.
  • This addition provides users with better categorization and organization of trip-related information.

Inspection Form Email Improvements:

  • Included WO#, Site, and Vendor name in Inspection form emails to provide recipients with comprehensive information for better decision-making.
  • This enhancement improves the clarity and context of inspection-related communications.

Invoice Template Update:

  • Introduced a new template for invoices named "New Four (without Request Description)."
  • This template option offers flexibility in presenting invoice information without including request descriptions.

Vendor File Correction:

  • Corrected Vendor File where phone numbers were populating incorrectly.
  • This correction ensures accurate and reliable vendor contact information.

BUG Fixes

Signup Email Template:

  • Corrected Liquid template in Signup Email on the resend invitation event for vendors.
  • Ensures accurate and effective communication during the signup process.

Vendor Trip Emails:

  • Resolved an error in Vendor Trip emails occurring during vendor user logout scenarios.
  • Ensures vendors receive trip-related communications without disruption.

Time & Material Rates Upload:

  • Resolved an error in Time & Material rates upload for Assignee.
  • Ensures accurate recording and calculation of time and material costs for assignments.

Per Task Flat Rate Placeholder:

  • Corrected the placeholder for Per Task Flat rate for accurate representation in relevant documentation.

Site Contact Access for Vendors:

  • Corrected Site contact access for Vendors, ensuring appropriate access and permissions.

    Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!