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Enhancement & Bug Fix Announcement - 1/4/2023

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 04, 2024


We are excited to announce enhancements that improve the user experience and offer new capabilities.

1: New Units of Measure

The Item Page now allows you to choose two new Units of Measure: Ton & Box. These options are also available to be used on the line items for Invoices, Proposals, and POs.

Below is the screen capture for reference:

UC Mobile App: New UOM

2: New Filter Capabilities for Invoices

New filtering capabilities have been added to the Receivables & Payables tabs. These new filters make it even easier to:

· Find only the WOs that are ready to be invoiced

· Identify the Invoices you are ready to approve

· Filter the WOs / Invoices to only what you are responsible for (ie a Region / External Region / Trade)

The new Filter options are:



Billing Method


External Region

Below is the screen capture for reference:

Accounts Receivables > Generate Invoice:

Accounts Receivables > Attention Invoices:

Accounts Payable > Generate Vendor Invoice:

Accounts Payable > Pending Approval:

Accounts Payable > Pay:

3: Rates & Assignments

You can now edit an Item’s Name right from the “Rate & Assignee” page. Clicking the edit icon next to the Item Name, will open the Item edit window without you having the leave the Rate & Assignee page.

Edit icon added next to Item Name

Clicking the edit icon will open the Item Edit window

4: Work Order Reports

The Work Order report now includes the following Team Member information:

Team Member Name

Team Member ID

5: Material Billing

You can now set contracted Material rates at the Client and Site levels. This provides you with the ability set your Material pricing at 3 levels:




The platform employs this logic for price determination:

· If the material has a rate configured at the Site level, then the Site rate will be used, not the pricing at the Client or Generic level.

· If the material does not have a rate configured at the Site level and the material has a rate configured at the Client level, then the Client rate will be used, not the pricing at the Generic level.

· If the material does not have a rate configured at the Site or Client levels, then then the Generic rate will be.

Client > Material Rate

Site > Material Rate

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!