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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 1/12/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 12, 2024

Updates and Enhancements:

  • Updated Date on Work Order Report:

The date on the Work Order report has been updated to reflect the date of service for improved clarity. Now, users can easily track when a service was performed by referring to the updated date field.

  • Enhanced Recurring Trip Feature:

We've enhanced the Recurring Trip feature to dis-allow the automatic creation of trips for deleted Work Orders. This improvement ensures better control and accuracy in managing recurring trips, avoiding unnecessary trip creation for deleted orders.

  • Validation Correction on Check-out via Manual Adjustment:

A correction has been made to eliminate unnecessary validation during the check-out process via manual adjustments. This fix ensures a smoother user experience by removing redundant validation steps.

  • Work Order Closure Functionality Correction:

Corrected the work order closure functionality for building and inspection types of scheduled services. Previously, work orders were not closing when assigned to a team member. This issue has been resolved, and now work orders will be appropriately closed upon completion.

  • Corrected Proposal Approval Emails:

Resolved issue with Proposal Approval Emails that were being sent to invalid email addresses. With this correction, users can now be confident that approval emails will be sent to the intended and valid recipients.

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