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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 1/17/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 17, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing and fine-tuning UtilizeCore, please review the detailed notes of our latest improvements and bug fixes that have been deployed:

1. Client Invoice - Incorrectly calculation of Margin

A correction has been made to the incorrect margin calculation on sending the Client Invoice. This fix ensures the calculated values are accurate and the system is not re-calculating values on sending the Client Invoice.

2. Client Invoice - PO Material duplicated across the Trip

A correction has been made to the logic of billing the PO material and Material(s) added to the Work Order. Below is the new logic:

  1. WO having PO transaction/Material(s) assigned with a Trip, then the system will only infer the PO material/Material(s) when invoicing for the corresponding trip.
  2. WO having PO transaction/Material(s) not assigned to a Trip, then the system will only bill the PO material/Material(s) once (if there are multiple trips associated with the Work Order).

3. Vendor Upload > Vendor Custom ID

A correction has been made to the Vendor Upload feature to display the 'Vendor Custom ID' if the uploaded template has the Vendor Custom ID value populated.

4. Invoice > Rounding-off issue

A correction has been made to the Invoice rounding-off issue for the calculation of ‘Estimated Total’.


We are excited to announce some enhancements which will provide a great user experience to the UC application user. Following are the new features introduced:

  1. Weather Works Invoicing Logic:
  • We have enhanced the Weather Work Invoicing logic to consider the Site. Following is the new logic of Weather-Work Invoicing:

    For Client: WW Event ID + Client + Zip-Code + Site

For Vendor: WW Event ID + Vendor + Zip-Code +


2. Site Specific Task for on-demand WO:

  • We have enhanced the on-demand Work Order creation to verify if there are any Task(s) configured at the Site Level for the selected Trade and Trade Service.

    If yes, the system will associate the Task(s) from the corresponding site for the corresponding Trade and Trade Service configured

Screen Capture#1: Configure a Task at Site.

Screen Capture#2: Configured tasks at site level will now be present while creating an on-demand work order

3. Editing Vendor Compliance Record:

Screen Capture#1: Option to delete the Active Record.

4. Proposal Attachments:

Screen Capture#1: Make File Available to Client – If the Flag is set to False, the said attachment will not be visible to Client.

Screen Capture#2: Image display option – Full width photo OR ½ width photo.

Screen Capture#3: The PDF. added will be displayed as attachment in the PDF generated.

5. Proposal Bulk Send is now available:

6. Site Specific Rate > Item Name Inference:

We have enhanced the Site-Specific Rate configuration page by soft-inferring the Item Name from the Client (of the corresponding Service). This feature will result in more user productivity as Item Name will get auto-inferred from the Client.

NOTE: If the Service is not configured at the Client Level, then the system will infer the Item Name from the Generic record.

7. Edit/Delete – Per Event Rate Configuration:

We have enhanced the Per Event Rate configuration by allowing the user to edit/delete the Range sequence. However, the system will issue a warning message, if the edit/delete has resulted gap in the sequence. Below is the warning message:

Warning Message: Removing the snow range rates will impact the continuity of the Range Rates. Please correct the ranges to manage the continuity of the snow inches.

Screen Capture#1: Warning Message.

8. Site Specific Event Rate – Mandatory Field Validation:

We have enhanced the Site-Specific Event Rate by adding validation on save if the mandatory fields are empty. The feature will provide a great user experience in identifying the mandatory fields while creating a configuration.

Screen Capture#1: Error Message on Save (for Mandatory fields).

9. Rate & Assignee – Item Name Inference:

We have enhanced the Rate & Assignee page by adding a new logic to auto-infer the Item Name if the service (being added) has a matching Item Name. The feature will provide a great user experience in configuring the new rates, as the user doesn't have to verify if there is a matching item name.

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!