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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 1/31/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • January 31, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing and fine-tuning UtilizeCore, please review the detailed notes of our latest improvements and bug fixes that have been deployed:


1. Site Download Report

• User can now include unassigned sites or only unassigned sites while downloading a report at the site level.

2. Proposal - Line-Item Sales Tax:

• While creating a proposal you now have the ability to add sales tax at the line item level.

3. Approval Requested Invoices to display in AR/AP:

• We have enhanced the ‘WW Per Event Invoice’ status icon as ‘Vendor Approval Requested’ to appear on Account Receivable section of the Vendor Portal and Account Payable section of the Broker respectively.

4. Weather Works - Trip Review and Trip Invoicing:

• Users will now have hyperlinks available on the trip review & trip invoicing pages while associating Weatherworks events and invoicing Weatherworks events

5. Follow-Up Date & Time

• Any role with the following workorder permissions will now be able to add/edit follow-up on a workorder:

-Can create 'Work Order Orders'

-Can see 'Sent Work Order Orders'

-Can see 'Received Work Order Orders'

• Users now have the ability to filter follow-up by date & time

6. Disassociating Weather Work Order Event ID:

• User now has the ability to disassociate Weatherworks Events assigned to a trip.

NOTE: The Event ID is associated with Work Order; disassociating from a Work Order will be captured in the activities section. If the trip is verified, you must unverify before it is editable.

7. Ability to View Notes from WO List View page

We have enhanced the WO list view page by adding a new column - ‘Notes’. This column will display the recent Private Notes added to the corresponding Work Order. On clicking the Notes hyperlink, the system will open the Notes section on the right-hand side of the WO list page.

NOTE: The user has to add the Notes to the Available Work Order List Columns using the following Company Setting.

Company Setting > Work Orders > General Details > Configurable Fields > Available Work Order List Columns.

Screen Capture#1: Company Setting > Work Orders > General Details > Configurable Fields > Available Work Order List Columns.

Screen Capture#2: WO List View > New Column Added - Notes.

Screen Capture#3: On clicking the Notes; the system will display the Notes.


1. Service Date Is Not Visible In The Work Order List View Column

The Work Order List View now properly displays the Service Date when a trip is closed using a mobile app or from a computer.

2. Site Service Configuration-> Per Event

When adding or adjusting Per Event Tasks with “range” the drop-down menu will now auto-close after selection.

3. Invoice Report

Invoice Reports generated now shows an associated agreement number.

4. Inability to download Inactive Sites

A correction has been made to the Site download feature. Now, the user can download the inactive site(s).

5. Icon is not displaying for ‘Approval Required’ status.

A correction has been made to the WO List view to display the Vendor Icon for the Vendor Invoices having status as ‘Approval Required’.

6. Change of Custom Status is not generating Vendor Invoice for agreements.

A correction has been made in the WO (created from Agreement) to generate the draft Vendor Invoice on the change of Custom Status.

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!