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Enhancement & Bug Updates - 2/15/2024

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • February 15, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing and fine-tuning UtilizeCore, please review the detailed notes of our latest improvements and bug fixes that have been deployed:


1: Bulk Renewing Agreement/Schedule Services

  • We have enhanced the Bulk Renew Agreement feature to not create WO# for the Site(s) marked as ‘Credit Hold’.

2: Filter to view Weather Forecast for 54 & 60 Hours

  • We have enhanced the following two pages to provide an ability to filter Weather Forecasts for 54 & 60 hours.

2.1: Network > Site > Weather Works Filter

2.2: Operation > Work-Order > Maps > Forecast

3: Proposal – Department:

  • We have added the new field ‘Department’ to the Proposal transaction allowing you to associate the respective Department with the corresponding Proposal.

3.1: Department

4: New Invoice Template – New Five:

  • We have added a new Invoice Template – New Five. The new template - New Five will only display the Site Name once in the Invoice PDF generated.

Screen Capture#1: New PDF template


1: The WO Order report displays vendor information

A correction is made to the WO Report > Trip details to not display the vendor details if the parameter 'Display Vendor Details' is set to False.

2: The vendor is unable to upload the W9 Form

A correction is made to the vendor profile, allowing the user to upload the W9 form successfully.

3: Blocked Client is visible under Maps

A correction is done to the WO > Maps to not display the blocked Client in the filter for selection.

4: Filter WO# by WO Type = On Demand – T&M

A correction is done to the WO > Filters to correctly display the record when filtering the record on WO Type = On Demand – T&M.

5: WO > Trip – Photo Carousel Order Issue

A correction is done to the WO > Trips to display the Photo Carousel in the following sequence:

  • Before Photo
  • After Photo
  • Custom Form Photo
  • Signature

6: Storm Event PDF

A correction is made to the Storm Event PDF to display only the details related to the corresponding Company.

7: Bulk Deleting the Service

A correction is done to the existing Bulk delete feature to only delete the selected Service and not delete the must return trip generated against the corresponding Service (which is deleted).

8: Custom Work Order Report

A correction is made to the existing Custom Work Order Report to display the appropriate column header and data within the respective columns when downloaded in CSV/XLSX format.

9: Client Portal displaying Material Cost

A correction is done to the Work Order > Material tab to hide the Material Cost Price and only display the Sell Price of the corresponding material.

10: Proposal – Incorrect Margin calculation

A correction is done to the existing Proposal transaction to calculate the margin value accurately when the proposal is received by the Vendor with the margin added, and the same is forwarded to the Client.

11: Reports & BI Sites Export Is Showing Deactivated Sites

A correction is done to the existing Report & BI Site export to not download the inactive/deactivated site(s).

12: Vendor Portal -Site > Client Hyperlink

A correction is done to the Vendor Portal > Site page; the hyperlink from the Client Name has been removed - for the Clients who are not directly associated with the Client.

13: Proposal Cover Letter

A correction is done to the Proposal Cover Letter functionality to display the appropriate Cover Letter for Proposal based on the below company setting:

  • Company Setting > Proposals > Proposals > Cover Letter Default text: If configured, the system will bring the corresponding text (allowing the user to modify it if needed) as the Cover Letter and will also be part of the Proposal email.

Company Setting > Proposals > Proposals > Cover Letter Default text: If not configured, the system will bring a blank cover letter, allowing the user to add a cover letter message.

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!