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Vendors + Menu + Filters

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • February 23, 2024

We're excited to announce that this week we will release a New Version of UtilizeCore, featuring the brand-new "VENDORS" module, enhanced filtering capabilities and streamlined menu enhancements scheduled for. These updates mark a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to empower our users and provide a seamless experience.

Check out the new features below!

Menu Enhancements:

Side Menu Addition: We’ve consolidated existing tabs for quicker and more accessible navigation.

  • “Switch Company” is now “My Companies” for easier understanding.
  • The same ability to Create or Join a Company is housed here
  • The "Analytics," "Explore," and "Billing" tabs have moved to this side menu.
  • Introduction of the "App Store" for convenient browsing of integration options.
  • “Workflow Settings” is now “Settings” for quick access.

New View Preferences:

  • Choose Dark or Light Mode: Customize the interface with dark and light modes.
  • Switch Between Versions: Effortlessly switch between Old and New platform.

You can use Proposals, Purchase orders, Receivables, Payables, Employees, Vendors, and Company Profile in the new version.

  • Quick Actions Menu: This menu provides users the option to customize the header for rapid access to resources like Work Orders, Invoices, Proposals, etc.


  • Filter Templates and Advanced Filtering: Introduces advanced filtering options tailored for each module.
  • Users can save filter sets or create new templates for efficient searches.
  • Pin Filters: Manage pinned filters for a streamlined experience.
  • Sorting: Effortlessly sort filters in ascending or descending order based on preferences.

Vendor Listing Page:

Vendor Compliance Page:

Other Enhancements:

  • Improved Toast Messages: Enhanced toast messages for Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable modules. Links provided for easy navigation within resources.


We believe these enhancements will elevate your UtilizeCore experience, providing you with more control and insight into your operations. Thank you for your continued support and feedback as we strive to make UtilizeCore the best it can be.

Please reach out to or use the chat box below for any questions!