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7/25/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • July 25, 2024

Release Notes

July 25, 2024

New Features and Enhancements

  • To see the duration a vendor or contractor spends on the work order page, Trip ETA (expected time of arrival) and Trip ETC (expected time of completion) columns are added to the Work Order page.
  • For an ongoing agreement, you will receive an email alert before the number of days set in the settings regarding the service expiration/end date.

Bug Fixes

  • In the Edit Employee page, the service rates were not getting saved before. This issue is resolved. Now, you can view the updated rates.
  • Previously, when you were editing a Payable Invoice, the edited line item was not getting saved, and the page was showing blank lines. This issue is resolved. Now, you can see the edited invoice details.
  • Previously, you were unable to create a purchase order invoice for the recently completed trip. This issue is resolved.
  • Previously, on the Vendor Proposal page, in the Billing Address field, the client address was populating irrespective of whether the client checked in or the vendor checked in. This issue is resolved. Now, in the Billing Address field, you can see the vendor address when the vendor checks in and the client address when the client checks in.
  • Previously, on the Create Vendor Proposal page, in the Site Address field, the client Site Address was visible. This issue is resolved. Now, you can see the consultant’s site address when a vendor proposal is created.
  • When deleting a purchase order, the record was not getting removed from the work order. This issue is resolved. Now, the deleted purchase order record gets removed permanently from the database.
  • Previously, you were unable to edit the invoice received from the vendor. This issue is resolved.
  • When you created a work order, on the Trip Details page, the default Client and Vendor Billing Method were not getting populated. This issue is resolved.
  • When you created a proposal for the work order, there was a discrepancy of 0.01 in the total invoice amount. This issue is resolved. Now, the total invoice amount is displayed correctly.
  • Previously, on the Proposal page, the total invoice amount was not including the sales tax amount. This issue is resolved. Furthermore, even in the email, the sales tax amount was not shown. This issue is also resolved.

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