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8/13/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 13, 2024

Release Notes

August 13, 2024

New Enhancement

Enhanced Work Order Notes
Work order notes now include the work order number, client name, priority, trade, and message body, compared to the simple note that was sent before.

Resolved Issues

  • Previously, when creating an invoice or proposal, the rounding function did not work correctly on the amounts. Now, rounding is applied accurately.
  • Previously, when changes were made to a tax rate or tax-exempt rate for an invoice, proposal, or purchase order, the corresponding log activity was not displayed for the Canada site. Now, under the Activity tab, the log activity is displayed properly.
  • When downloading work order reports, the trip check-in and check-out fields were displaying the same value. Now, these fields show the correct values.
  • For work orders with no trips, when reports were downloaded in Excel format, the trip check-in and check-out fields were displaying the same value. Now, these fields show the correct values.
  • Previously, the Notes tab displayed all notes without the filter selected. Now, only the appropriate notes corresponding to the selected filters are displayed.
  • While generating a receivable invoice, the option "Save and Approve to Send" was not appearing completely on the screen. Now, all the words are shown completely.

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