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8/22/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 23, 2024

Release Notes

August 22, 2024

New Enhancement

Enhanced Work Order Notes
The following fields have now been hidden in Work Order Notes when sending from broker to client
- Vendor Name
- Priority
- Trade Service

Added a Create Item Link
While creating/editing an invoice, proposal, or purchase order, you now have the ability to create a new Item.

Resolved Issues

  • Previously, through the vendor or client login, the Details page was not displaying the Notes and Contact tabs. Now, you can see all notes and contacts in the details page. Note: You can see these tabs even if you resize the page.
  • Previously, while exporting the Per Event rates, only the first defined rate range details were displayed. Now, both the upload and download reports show all the details correctly for range which is defined for the Default as well as on the Task level.
  • In the Client page, the links under the Relationship Information section in the left pane were opening the pages in the old version.
    These links now navigate to the correct pages in the new version for Invoices and Proposals
  • Previously, if the Trip Billing Method is ETTM (Equipment Task Time Material), when you created the work order, the invoice was
    considering the trip check-in and trip check-out values as Regular. Now if 'Enable Time On Task' setting is ON and Trip billing method is ETTM, then while invoicing Task specific Regular/Overtime/Double rates should be consider while invoicing,
  • For the receivable invoice, the changes made to the Remit Payments To field will now update correctly.
  • For creating a proposal, you can now select site or work order before selecting client.
  • Previously, search filter was not working for the partial search word. Now, you can see the complete name of client/vendor with a partially entered name.

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