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8/30/2024 System Updates

Evan avatar
Shared by Evan • August 30, 2024

Release Notes

August 30, 2024

Enhancements & Updates

  • Enhanced Receivables, Payables, Proposals, and Purchase Orders modules:
    - An All Receivables Invoices tab was added under Accounting in the Receivables tab. This allows you to see all client invoices generated in the Receivable module.
    - An All Payable Invoices tab was added under Accounting in the Payables tab. This allows you to see all vendor invoices generated in the Payable module.
    - An All Proposals tab was added under Operations in the Proposals tab. This allows you to see all proposal generated for the client and received from the vendor in the Proposal module.
    - All Purchase Orders tab was added under Operations in the Purchase Orders tab. This allows you to see all purchase orders generated for the vendor in the Purchase Order module.
  • Enhanced Notes feature: When someone dispatches a Work Order and Trip with email notifications turned on, tagged users will now receive Private Notes directly in their email, including details such as the Work Order Number and Status.
  • Direct Search by Site Name and Address In Proposals: For creating a proposal, it was mandatory to select the client first and then the site. Now, you can select the site or work order before selecting the client.
  • Removed Time Selection from Compliance Documents: Previously, you had to select a time while selecting date during uploading a compliance document. Now, the time selection is removed from the date picker and you do not have to select a time along with the date.

Resolved Issues

  • Previously, while downloading a work order list report, the Revenue, Vendor Labor + Material Cost, Expense, and Profit/Losses columns were showing the same amount. Now, these columns display the appropriate amount based on work order custom report.

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