Slackbot Autoreply

Prasad avatar
Shared by Prasad • March 23, 2024

🤖 What is the Dashworks Slackbot?

As your company grows, so do the number of Slack channels for employees to ask questions, such as #sales-questions, #technical-support, and #ask-it. They can receive hundreds of questions per day, overwhelming the channel managers. Employees may wait hours or even days for help while managers answer repetitive questions.

We find that by automatically responding to questions asked in Slack, the Dashworks Slackbot can cut the time spent by channel managers by up to 73%, allowing them to focus on more important issues, while unblocking the rest of the team with instant responses.

✨ Slackbot Autoreply

The new Slackbot simplifies its setup and usage with significant upgrades across the board:

  1. Auto-reply: The Slackbot can now identify if a new thread message is a question and respond accordingly. There's no need to tag it with @Dashworks or use forms with workflows.
  2. Permissioning: We've streamlined permissions across Slack interactions. All responses in Slack channels use the permissions of the service account Learn more about the setup and permissioning in this help article.
  3. Training Dash AI: You can now train Dash AI directly from Slack. The training is more intuitive; you can provide natural language feedback and upvote or downvote specific references.
  4. Workflows to resolve questions: Users can mark questions as resolved to add an ✅ emoji on the message, making it easier for channel managers to scan the channel for pending questions that need support.
  5. Admin analytics: Admins can view detailed Slackbot analytics including the response acceptance rates and other insights from the Analytics tab.
Slack autoreply in action

🚀 Getting started

  1. Start by creating a service account for Grant this account access to the apps and content the Slackbot will search when answering questions. You can learn more about this setup in this help article or schedule a setup call for a guided walkthrough.
  2. Next, invite the Slackbot to a channel using the command "/invite @Dashworks".

That's it! Going forward, the Slackbot will automatically answer questions asked in the channel.