Latest News from the Dispatch Team
Feature update

Stay Informed with Enhanced Notifications

Shared by Allison • July 20, 2023

Hi there,

We’re happy to share that we’ve made some updates to our notifications system. These changes ensure you stay updated at every step, making it easier for you to keep your customers informed.

Order Confirmed email

Receive an "Order Confirmed" email immediately after submitting your order, assuring you that we've received it.

Driver is approaching the Pickup/Drop-Off

Receive a notification when the driver is approaching the pickup or drop-off location, keeping you informed about your order's progress so you can plan accordingly.

Include more recipients on the "Out for Delivery" email

We’ve added a “Notify Me Before Arrival” feature so you and your customers can choose to opt-in and receive the "Out For Delivery" email, guaranteeing everyone stays informed.

Searching for Driver sent 30 minutes prior to scheduled pickup

In the rare event that we’re still searching for a driver 30 minutes before the scheduled pickup, we’ll promptly send a notification, providing sufficient time to make any necessary adjustments to the order.

Place an order today and we’ll make sure you stay informed throughout the delivery process.