Hi there,
Functionality has been extended to allow you to add ANY product from your Product Catalogue to a PO, even if that product isn't linked to a specific supplier.
When adding a product to a PO, products supplied by the Supplier will be displayed at the top of the Add product to purchase order window under the new Supplied Products category, with all other products (not assigned to the Supplier) listed below in their standard categories.
Use search
, or expand categories, to select a product.
The Pricing table of the selected product will display prices for assigned and Preferred Suppliers (indicated with a green tick). If adding a product that isn't assigned to the Supplier, an additional 'Price' column will display a $0 value that can be used to add the product to the PO, then edited once on the order.
We'd love to hear your thoughts after using this new functionality, so please don't hesitate to submit your feedback below or email support@factory.app.