All the latest updates and improvements from the Factory team
New feature

Factory Weekly Updates - 07/03/2025

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Shared by Team • March 07, 2025

Great to catch up with you, there! 👋

Time for this week's Factory Fun Fact:

  • Ever thought about adding Custom Planner Events? In Factory > Productivity > Planner, you can easily add things like your leave, maintenance, inventory checks, or any event that doesn’t need an order linked. Just double-click a blank space on your Planner, and a pop-up window will appear asking you enter the details about the event.

In addition, here are a few more tweaks to improve your experience:

  • Product Kits can now be opened, even if a Product’s material within the Product Kit has been removed
  • Contacts are now properly saved when you unfocus from the Contact name field
  • You can now add or delete attributes, even while you’re still focused on an existing attribute field.

We hope these updates make your experience smoother and more efficient. Stay tuned for more next week!

🌧️Stay Safe, We're Here for You🌧️

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Shared by Team • March 05, 2025

To our friends in Queensland and NSW,

We’re thinking of you as Cyclone Alfred approaches. Please take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and your teams during this time.

We’re confident you’ll follow official warnings and take all necessary precautions to stay safe. If there’s anything we can do to support you - whether it’s work-related or otherwise - please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We’re here for you and sending our thoughts to everyone in the storm’s path.

Take care and stay safe!

New feature

Factory Weekly Updates - 28/02/2025

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Shared by Team • February 28, 2025

Good to see you there!

We’ve got some exciting updates to share with you this week, all designed to make your experience smoother and more efficient.

  • We've added a new toggle - Default new orders to tax free - in Sales > Customers > Settings tab. This lets you easily enable or disable tax for new Sales Orders
  • You can now remove the Required Date on Sales Orders. Simply go to Sales > Sales Orders, select a Sales Order, and click the "x" next to Required Date field to remove it
  • For customers integrated with MYOB, we've added Create new job option to MYOB Jobs dropdown located in a Sales Order, next to each Line Item. There's also a Refresh Jobs button for easily updating the job details
  • Users can now create On The Fly Kits within a Sales Order by selecting Add product > Product Kit
  • There's a new option in Settings > Sales called Display kits as minimised by default. If enabled, when a Kit is added to a Sales Order, the Products within the Kit will automatically collapse, giving you a cleaner and more organised view
  • Aside from users with Administrator access, those with Power User access can now modify Planner Settings in Productivity > Planner > Planner Settings (gear icon) and Workflow Settings in Productivity > Workflow > Workflow Settings (gear icon)
  • The Standard User (No Pricing) role can now access Workflow with the same permissions as the Standard User role.
  • Standard User, Standard User (No Invoicing), and Standard User (No Pricing) can now schedule work, add custom Planner entries and delete timeslots in Productivity > Planner.

In addition, here are a few more tweaks to improve your experience:

  • Invitations sent via email on mobile have been adjusted for better responsiveness on both Android and iOS.
  • Deleted Team members are now automatically removed from the Timesheet Manager page
  • The attribute column field with an empty value in Product Catalogue > Products is now retained when generating PDFs.
  • Global search has been improved and now supports searching for special characters, making it easier to find exactly what you're looking for.

We hope these updates make your experience smoother and more efficient. Stay tuned for more next week!

New feature

Factory Weekly Updates - 14/02/2025

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Shared by Team • February 24, 2025

Hi there,

We have some exciting updates to share with you this week.

  • We’ve just launched a brand-new Document Template for Work Orders! Head over to Settings > Document templates > Create temple > locate Work Order Template, then select Create new template to customise your Work Order PDF and make it uniquely yours.

In addition, here are a few more tweaks to improve your experience:

  • Any information copied and pasted from notes apps into the Collaborate tab in Factory Mobile will now display as regular text, ensuring formatting is retained. Please make sure you've downloaded or updated the Factory Mobile app, available on both Android and iOS
  • The option to Duplicate/Edit Timesheets has been removed for all user roles in Factory Mobile, except for Admin users, who has the ability to Duplicate/Edit Timesheets.

We hope these updates make your experience smoother and more efficient. Stay tuned for more next week!

New feature

Factory Weekly Updates - 21/02/2025

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Shared by Team • February 21, 2025

Hi there,

We have some exciting updates to share with you this week.

  • Planner views can now be saved with Day, Week, and Month filters. Head over to Productivity > Planner > Views > Save new view
  • One of the most awaited features on our roadmapTimesheets (Accounting Integrations) is now available for you to use. Check out these helpful articles on how to set it up for MYOB, QBO, and Xero
  • We've added Invoiced to date and Amount remaining on Partial Invoice PDFs. To generate a Partial Invoice, go to Sales Order > Options > Partial Invoice.

In addition, here are a few more tweaks to improve your experience:

  • The transparent component background can now be set when customising a PDF in Settings > Document template
  • Loading Cost field and calculation issue has been fixed for custom-priced Product Kits
  • We've enhanced the Enable column sorting in Workflow > Workflow Settings (gear icon), and it can now be toggled on or off
  • Duplicating Sales Orders with set Line Item statuses in the Tracking tab will reset all statuses
  • Swap Order # and Page # location on Work Order PDF toggle functionality in Settings > PDF Settings is now applied when generating PDFs in Workflow
  • Updating the Order status is now available in Productivity > Planner.
  • Only Contacts associated with the Supplier on Purchase Order are now shown in the Contact field within a Purchase.

We hope these updates make your experience smoother and more efficient. Stay tuned for more next week!

New feature
Product update

Workflow Child Cards, and more

Factory support avatar
Shared by Factory support • December 03, 2024

Hi there,

We're excited to share some of the recent updates we've made to Factory!

Workflow Child Cards

  • Create separate Cards for each Line Item on a Job/Order, allowing users to see the status of each Line Item in Workflow
  • Move the Workflow Child Card between different statuses by simply dragging and dropping
  • Any status changes made in the Workflow are linked to the Line Item status under Sales Order > Tracking, and vice versa
  • Important - Workflow Child Cards cannot trigger email or SMS notifications.

Other things to improve your experience!

  • We've included ABN when importing a Customer/Supplier to Factory from your accounting package.
  • Sales Order Export now includes Notes, Assignees, Invoiced amount (including Partial Invoicing), Quoted Labour hours, Hours worked, Hours scheduled, Cost of Labour, Markup, length values for Lineal Metre Products.
  • Assignees/Team members are now displayed in alphabetical order.
  • We've added a Filter by status in the Planner, making it easier to display Jobs/Orders.
  • Decimal quantities can now be used for Line Items when splitting Sales Orders/Purchase Orders.
  • The PO Reference field has been increased to a character limit of 100.

We hope you enjoy these new updates as much as we enjoyed building them for you! And as always, please don't hesitate to reach out to the team if you have any questions or feedback.

Feature update

Time Tracking improvements and more!

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Shared by Team • October 09, 2024

Hi there,

We've recently released a considerable number of updates and improvements. Here are some of the highlights that are now available:

Time Tracking

  • We've added additional ways to clock on/off from jobs, including via the Active tracking button located in the top nav bar of Factory. This allows you to clock on to new jobs without having to click into a job's Tracking tab.
  • Specify the hours worked when adding manual time entries, without a specific start/finish time being required.
  • Add custom notes to manual time entries.


  • You can now set line item quantities to 0 on both Sales and Purchase orders.
  • Implemented substantial performance improvements when creating and interacting with larger sales orders, especially when dealing with considerably large product kits.
  • Various bug fixes.

We hope you enjoy these updates and improvements!

New feature

Splitting Orders

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Shared by Team • September 17, 2024

Hi there,

We're excited to say that we've just released a new feature that will help you more easily manage back-ordering and similar situations inside Factory!

Splitting Orders

  • You can now 'split' existing Sales and Purchases into multiple separate orders, dividing up the line items and their associated quantities as you see fit.
  • To do this, click Split Order via the Options button when viewing a submitted Sales or Purchase order. Then, select the line items and quantities that would like to split out into a new order.
  • Doing so will create a new, draft order containing the selected line items and quantities, removing them from the original order. The newly created order will also be automatically linked to the originating order via the Linked Orders tab.

We hope you enjoy these new updates as much as we enjoyed building them for you! And as always, please don't hesitate to reach out to the team if you have any questions or feedback.

New feature
Product update

Timesheets, Square Metre Products and much more!

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Shared by Team • August 14, 2024

Hi there,

We're excited to update you on a few of our more recent updates to Factory!


  • Capture timesheets for specific team members and view all time-tracking related activities from a single location.

Square Metre Products

  • Create and sell products that are priced based on custom SQM measurements and SQM rates.

Custom Planner Events

  • Add custom events to your Planner calendar. Block out time for non-job related tasks, sick leave, vacation time and more! Including the ability to configure recurring events and event reminders.

Other things to improve your experience!

  • We've added support for international addresses on customers and suppliers.
  • We introduced some updates to how notifications are received and displayed inside Factory when tagging team members in messages, including new popup alerts and notification sounds.
  • Added a new Invoice final amount option to Partial Invoicing to speed up the process of issuing a final invoice.
  • Added a new option under each customer's Settings tab that when enabled will prevent any orders created for this customer from being sent to your accounting package.
  • Implemented several performance improvements to prevent instances where certain text changes were not being saved on orders, as well as to prevent instances of duplicate orders being created.

We hope you enjoy these new updates as much as we enjoyed building them for you! And as always, please don't hesitate to reach out to the team if you have any questions or feedback.

New feature

Order Markups + Tax Free Products

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Shared by Team • July 03, 2024

Hi there,

We've released two new features that give you even greater flexibility when creating quotes and sales orders!

Whole Order Markups

  • Add markups to an entire quote or sales order via the new add markup button, applying a percentage based increase to all line items on the order.
  • Add multiple markups to a single order in order to cover specific scenarios, such as marking up for various types of distinct overheads.

Tax Free Products

  • Mark certain products or line items as being 'tax free', removing them from tax calculations on orders.
  • Permanently flag a product as 'tax free' via the new Product is bought/sold tax free option when editing the product.
  • Exclude specific line items on an order from tax calculations via the Exclude from tax option found within each line item's options menu.
  • Important - using tax free products requires your accounting package integration to have been configured with the correct 'tax free' account or tax codes. Feel free to reach out to our team for any assistance with configuring this inside Factory.

We hope these new features serve you well and help you to accommodate even more unique and specific use cases when using Factory!