All the latest updates and improvements from the Factory team
Feature update

Delivery Scheduling, SMS and email updates.

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • February 13, 2024

Hi there,

We've made a few updates and enhancements that we'd like to share with you:

  • You can now filter your Delivery Scheduling page by each order's 'required date'. You'll find all your filters behind the new 'filter' icon next to the search field in the Delivery Scheduling tool.
  • Automated SMS updates sent via Workflow now include the order's PO #.
  • We've added the ability to include multiple email addresses in the 'Reply to' and 'Send a copy' fields for Invoices, Quotes, Purchases etc.

We hope you enjoy these changes!

New feature

Partial invoicing is here

Cathy avatar
Shared by Cathy • February 06, 2024

Hi there,

You now have the functionality to apply a partial payment to an Invoice in three easy ways.

From within a Submitted Sales Order you can generate an invoice based on:

  1. Specific line items
  2. A specific dollar amount
  3. A percentage of total order value

By opening a Submitted Order, selecting Options > Partial Invoice > you can select how you want to generate a partial invoice, and then select Options to Print or Email the invoice. When Print or Email is selected the invoiced amount will generate the required invoice in your accounting package if enabled.

The Invoice status now also includes Partially invoiced when a partial invoice has been generated, and by running your cursor over the Invoiced status a popup will display the Invoiced amount and the Remaining amount on the order to be invoiced.

You can find more information about how partial invoicing works here.

We'd love to hear your thoughts after using this new functionality, so please don't hesitate to submit your feedback below or email


Updates to PDF settings, Delivery Scheduling and more.

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • January 16, 2024

Hi there,

We've made a few improvements to various parts of the platform that should improve the flexibility and useability of certain features:

  • You can now filter the Delivery Scheduling page by assignees and labels.
  • Each order's Timeline tab will now capture when an order is scheduled via the Delivery Scheduling page.
  • Adjusted the product search experience when creating new orders so that product 'variant' results are sorted in the same order that they appear on each product's pricing table.
  • You can now choose to Show/Hide certain product pricing table columns on Delivery Docket PDFs and Purchase Orders.
  • Added an option to Settings > PDFs that allows you to show/hide Internal Notes on Work Order PDFs.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Feature update

Improved Home Page + Navigation

Cathy avatar
Shared by Cathy • December 15, 2023

Hi there

We're excited to announce that we're updating the Home page and navigation experience in Factory.

The changes are designed to provide you with a more meaningful landing page when you login, as well as improve the end-user navigation experience.

All your favourite pages are still available:

  • Your Dashboard will be your new homepage, including new buttons to directly create new Sales and Purchase orders from this page without needing to open a customer or supplier's profile.
  • A new Products menu at the top of the page will include your Product Catalogue and Materials for Sales and Purchase Orders
  • The Customers page will now be located under Sales
  • The Global Search tool will now be available from within most page's top navigation bar.

These changes will come into effect next week; we just wanted to give you the heads up that this change is coming.

If you have any enhancement requests or questions (especially if they relate to the Dashboard page!), feel free to reach us via Messenger.


Various product improvements

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • November 29, 2023

Hi there,

We've made a few small product improvements to help you get your work done on a daily basis.

  • You can now generate Work Orders and Delivery Dockets (both without pricing only) via Workflow, Planner and Delivery Scheduling using the new Options button when viewing an order.
  • You can now save lengths against a lineal metre product within a Product Kit.
  • We've added an animation to the 'bell' notification icon in the top navigation of Factory, giving you a more obvious visual indicator when you have new or unread messages.
  • We now display the delivery suburb on each order within the Backlog of the Delivery Scheduling tool, making it easier to plan your deliveries.
  • Added a filter to the Delivery Scheduling page to allow you to filter your delivery backlog by required date, customer name etc.
  • Various bug fixes
Feature update

Change the supplier on a Purchase Order

Cathy avatar
Shared by Cathy • November 16, 2023

Hi there,

In alignment with changing a customer's name on a Sales Order, you can also change a Supplier's name on a Purchase Order (PO).

If you inadvertently create a PO under a wrong company, you can change the Supplier's name once the PO has been submitted.

To change the Supplier's name, open the submitted PO > Options > Change supplier.

Changing the Supplier on a PO will remove all contact and address details and set the PO back to draft status. All product and pricing information will remain. And the PO will be deleted and recreated under the new Supplier name in your accounting package (if you're integrated with one).

We'd love to hear your thoughts after using this new functionality, so please don't hesitate to submit your feedback below or email

New feature

Collaboration has never been easier; automatically share Product-related attachments on new Orders

Cathy avatar
Shared by Cathy • November 15, 2023

Hi there,

Expanding upon our recent addition of Collaborate on products, customers and suppliers, you can now seamlessly share important attachments on Sales and Purchase Orders.

By simply enabling the 'auto-attach' option via the kebab/other options menu next to an attachment in a product, customer or supplier's Collaborate tab, files can be automatically attached to newly created Sales or Purchase Orders.

Utilising auto-attachments minimises time spent manually attaching common files to orders, such as work instructions or product images, and ensures your team never miss important information.

For further information review online resources or contact us at


We've changed the way you can add products to a Purchase Order

Cathy avatar
Shared by Cathy • November 07, 2023

Hi there,

Functionality has been extended to allow you to add ANY product from your Product Catalogue to a PO, even if that product isn't linked to a specific supplier.

When adding a product to a PO, products supplied by the Supplier will be displayed at the top of the Add product to purchase order window under the new Supplied Products category, with all other products (not assigned to the Supplier) listed below in their standard categories.

Use search, or expand categories, to select a product.

The Pricing table of the selected product will display prices for assigned and Preferred Suppliers (indicated with a green tick). If adding a product that isn't assigned to the Supplier, an additional 'Price' column will display a $0 value that can be used to add the product to the PO, then edited once on the order.

We'd love to hear your thoughts after using this new functionality, so please don't hesitate to submit your feedback below or email

New feature

Collaborate further ...

Cathy avatar
Shared by Cathy • November 07, 2023

Hi there,

Back by popular demand, the Collaborate tab has been extended from Sales and Purchase Orders to Product pages, and Customer and Supplier profiles.

Add notes, images and documents to products, such as technical drawings or work instructions.

And capture important information about customers and suppliers, such as key conversations that have taken place with accounts.

We'd love to hear your thoughts after using this new functionality, so please don't hesitate to submit your feedback below or email

New feature

A faster way to add products to orders!

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • October 24, 2023

Hi there,

We've implemented an additional, faster way to add products to your Sales and Purchase orders.

Within each order's page, you'll notice a new search field where your product and pricing information is typically displayed.

By typing into this new search field you can now search for products and add them directly to your order without needing to launch your Product Catalogue.

The search will even encompass all information from each product's pricing table, meaning you can search by product name, code, attribute, or anything else you wish!

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts after using this new search experience, so please don't hesitate to reach out with your feedback.