All the latest updates and improvements from the Factory team
Product update

Minor tweaks and changes!

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • October 06, 2023

Hi there,

We've made a few minor updates to the platform this week:

  • Adjusted how phone numbers are formatted and displayed on PDFs and emails.
  • Optimised the 'Tracking' tab on Sales Orders to provide some general performance improvements
  • Fixed an issue that caused some invoices to display in Xero with the previous day's date.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to the team if you have any questions at

Capture Digital Signatures for orders

Cathy avatar
Shared by Cathy • September 27, 2023

Hi there,

You can now capture digital signatures from your customers, right within Factory.

Within each order's Collaborate tab, you will find a new Signature option in the bottom toolbar.

Clicking that option will allow you to enter your customer's name and have them sign for their order on your PC or tablet device. (Perfect when delivering goods to site, or capturing that a customer has picked up their goods from your location.)

The signature is then saved permanently on the order's Collaborate tab, with a corresponding entry on that order's Timeline tab.

To learn more and see Digital Signatures in action, click here.

Introducing Line Item Statuses

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • September 21, 2023

Hi there,

For teams looking to track their orders more granularly, our new Line Item Status feature is just what you've been waiting for.

Accessed via the new Tracking tab when viewing a submitted Sales Order, Line Item Statuses will allow you to go one level deeper with your job tracking by enabling you to configure and assign custom statuses for each line item.

Choose from existing statuses created via Workflow, or create entirely new statuses specifically for tracking individual line items.

Note: Workflow will continue to work as it currently does today, with statuses created specifically for line items not displaying as columns on Workflow.

This functionality is the first step towards our upcoming time-tracking feature, which will allow your team to clock on/off from specific jobs and line items in order to track hours worked and time to completion for products and jobs as a whole.

New feature

Introducing Global Search

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • September 13, 2023

Hi there👋 ,

In conjunction with our Dashboard beta release, we're also releasing the beta version of our new Global Search functionality.

With the new Global Search feature, you can search for anything, anywhere, across all of Factory.

The new Global Search function will provide you with a single search experience across all of Factory encompassing customers, suppliers, orders, products and more.

Find historical orders, or kick off new Sales or Purchases, all from within the same experience.

For now, the Global Search capability is confined to the new Dashboard page while we gather user feedback. In the coming days, we'll move the Global Search to all pages within Factory (with a few exceptions).

Product update

We're now using Intercom!

Factory support avatar
Shared by Factory support • September 13, 2023

Hi there 👋

As a part of our ongoing efforts to better support you and your team, we're now using Intercom within Factory (the little blue icon in the bottom right of the screen).

Intercom acts as your support and news hub within Factory, which you can use to:

  • Reach out directly to our team with questions and requests
  • Access our new Help Center which we'll be continually adding to
  • Find the latest news and info related to Factory and any recent feature releases
  • Find historical conversations that you've had with our team

Intercom will allow us to more effectively manage your support queries and provide better and more meaningful response times moving forward.

While you can absolutely still email us directly, Intercom will gradually become our preferred method of communication.

As always, we'd love for you to play around with the new functionality and provide feedback. We're in the early stages of our Intercom journey and any thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

New feature

Introducing the Dashboard

Paul avatar
Shared by Paul • August 31, 2023

Hi there,

We are very excited to announce the beta release of our new Dashboard feature!

Access charts and insights via your own personal, fully customisable dashboard.

Each user will have the ability to craft a dashboard that best suits their needs, using any combination of available dashboard 'cards'.

Analyse historical Sales performance, forecast work based on the number of orders promised each day, or simply and quickly see a snapshot of all orders created by you.

The Dashboard will be an ever-evolving feature and as such, we would love to hear your feedback on what future Dashboard cards you would like to see made available. Feel free to reach out with any suggestions by sending us a message via the new Intercom Messenger.

Note: The Dashboard is available only for certain users and excludes any Productivity-related roles.