New at Firmhouse

The November Update

Michiel avatar
Shared by Michiel • December 09, 2022

In November we've spent a good time adding and updating documentation for setting up and integrating Firmhouse. Apart from this we're working on some exciting features and are making fixes & improvements on a daily basis.

Webhook and Liquid template tags documentation

We've written documentation on which Liquid template tags you can use in your email templates and webhook payload templates.

Head over to to have a look.

Developer Community

We've kicked off work on our developer community and knowledge-base. We'll be filling it up with more raw tips, tricks, and code samples to make your life in integrating Firmhouse onto your store and other systems easier.

Head over to to find common questions and answers.

Fixes and improvements

  • Updated Shopify to latest API and removed deprecation warnings.
  • Fixed an issue with linking Firmhouse products to Shopify products.
  • Fixed using the right currency in order exports.
  • Updated our Storefront JavaScript SDK so that you can now force-set the customer's language.
  • Fixed a Intrum reports that would show duplicate invoices.
  • Added a Copy button to easily copy the payment link of an invoice.
  • Added a new report to export all invoice lines with product information.
  • Translated Checkout to Italian.
  • Deprecated Payment#status field in GraphQL and updated documentation for new Payment#paymentStatus field.
  • Fixed Swedish copy for a manually applied discount on Checkout.
  • Made our Checkout and Portal UI more consistent and faster by fully switching to TailwindCSS and dropping Bootstrap.
  • Added a shipOrderedProducts mutation to GraphQL which allows developers to generate an order (and if applicable a charge) for given products.
  • Fixed a consistency issue on Polish invoice page.
  • Exposed currency on the Invoice type in our GraphQL API.
  • Fix issuing refunds in a different currency from EUR.
  • Added TwinT, Klarna Pay Now, and Klarna Pay Later as available payment method on Adyen.
  • Also apply configured address validations on billing address and not just main/shipping address.