Introducing Presentation Mode
Whether reviewing your cash flow or presenting to others. Deliver clear, focused insights without distractions - with just one click.
Introducing invoice and bill comments
Keep track of the decisions made on invoices and bills by adding comments directly to an invoice or bill.
Quickly locate the invoices and bills you're looking for, with additional sorting options.
We’re excited to announce our new 13-week forecast, allowing you to get really clear insight into your operational cash flow.
Covering the next 13 weeks, see a rolling week-by-week breakdown of your cash flow. This allows you to have a closer look at what is going on, highlighting things that may go unnoticed at the higher level of a monthly cash flow.
When cash is an important focal point, never miss an opportunity by easily spotting upcoming cash gaps. Get ahead of nasty surprises by always knowing your lowest cash balance over the next 13 weeks and when this occurs.
See where you are overspending on a week-to-week basis, and make decisions with confidence.
Introducing auto budgets.
Designed for incomes and costs that you want to set and forget.
Auto budgets update based on what has happened in the past, reducing time spent manually updating the cash flow.
Simple creation
Creating an auto budget is easy with a new option on the budget type menu.
Set and forget
Auto budgets have the option to track last month's value and the average of the last 3 or 6 months (when data available). Once created the budget values will update with any change to the data in previous months. At the start of a new month, the auto budget will update to take into account the month that has just finished. It cuts out the need for continual manual updates.
Model increases in incomes or costs in just a few clicks
Linked budgets are now available with scenarios, meaning a scenario increase can be calculated using the budgets from the Base scenario.
How does this work?
When creating a linked budget on a scenario, budgets from the Base scenario can be used as a source.
In the above example, Baseline sales is on the Base scenario and can be used to calculate a 10% increase in sales on the scenario. No more having to manually calculate and update each individual amount.
If you have any feedback about these changes, or changes you’d like to see, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Auto payroll defaults to impacting the cash flow on the 31st or last day of the month.
This date can now be updated to be any day within the month.
We are announcing 2 updates to linked budgets.
Date offset
We know not all incomes and costs occur at the same time. When creating a linked budget you can choose to offset it from the source budget.
This is useful in situations where a cost may be incurred before a sale happens, e.g. buying stock in advance, or where a cost occurs after a sale happens, e.g. commission paid 60 days after the sale.
If you have existing linked budgets you would like to update, click them to edit and the offset option will be available.
Improved previews
When creating a linked budget, the preview now shows the first 3 months' values, giving you a sense check that these figures match up with expectations.
When creating a linked budget the graph preview will display the expected balance, so you can understand the impact of the new budget before saving it to the cash flow (this also works for other types of budgets).
Minor improvement to the Daily View: if you set a date, it will remain the same between sessions on the same browser.
We’re excited to announce Linked Budgets, a major – and highly requested – update to the Float product.
Linked budgets
Linked budgets allow you to model incomes or costs based on other figures in the cash flow.
Creating a linked budget allows you to use another income/cost, or a collection of incomes and costs, as a source. The linked budget is set as a percentage of the source and will occur on the same date and repeating schedule in the cash flow.
Automatic updating
When you change one of the source incomes/costs, the linked budgets will automatically update and stay in sync.
For example, if COGS is 10% of Sales, creating a linked budget means that whenever the Sales figure is changed the COGS cost will automatically update to reflect 10% of the new Sales figure.
Quick changes
If a cost changes from 10% to 20%, quickly update the linked budget and all future values will update. No need to individually change each future value.
This also allows for potential changes to be modelled without having to create a whole new scenario.
To start with, linked budgets will be available on the ‘Base’ scenario in the cash flow. Also, linked budgets can't be used as the source for other linked budgets.