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Continuous budgets

Graeme avatar
Shared by Graeme • May 06, 2024

Continuous budgets solve the problem of budgets not updating if they’re set beyond the end of cash flow.

Now, when you return to Float and a new month has rolled around, budgets that were set into the future will automatically be updated. For example, if the end of the cash flow is in 6 months, and you create a monthly cost that runs for 12 months, when month 7 rolls into view, the value will automatically be there.

It reduces the amount of work you need to do to keep your cash flow updated. The schedule can be updated within the budget itself.

Any new budgets will automatically behave continuously unless a specific end date is added.

Update existing incomes & costs to behave this way by clicking on the budget and updating using the controls. Check out our help guide for more information.