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Increasing & decreasing incomes and costs

Alastair avatar
Shared by Alastair • June 11, 2024

We’re delighted to relaunch increasing/decreasing income and costs with an exciting change: they’ll now calculate in perpetuity, ensuring every time you come back to Float there will be less work to do.

Here’s how it behaves:

  • Increasing amounts continue to be calculated until the budget end date (if there is one) or in perpetuity if ‘never’ is selected
  • Decreasing budgets will eventually hit zero and when that happens, it will continue to show ‘0’ until edited
  • You can set a monetary amount, or a percentage.

New increasing and decreasing incomes & costs are not backwards compatible with the older style. We’re recommending customers recreate budgets if they want to take advantage of these time-saving changes.

If you have any questions or product feedback, please send us a message.