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Linked budgets

Graeme avatar
Shared by Graeme • July 17, 2024

We’re excited to announce Linked Budgets, a major – and highly requested – update to the Float product.

Linked budgets
Linked budgets allow you to model incomes or costs based on other figures in the cash flow.

Creating a linked budget allows you to use another income/cost, or a collection of incomes and costs, as a source. The linked budget is set as a percentage of the source and will occur on the same date and repeating schedule in the cash flow.

Automatic updating
When you change one of the source incomes/costs, the linked budgets will automatically update and stay in sync.

For example, if COGS is 10% of Sales, creating a linked budget means that whenever the Sales figure is changed the COGS cost will automatically update to reflect 10% of the new Sales figure.

Quick changes
If a cost changes from 10% to 20%, quickly update the linked budget and all future values will update. No need to individually change each future value.

This also allows for potential changes to be modelled without having to create a whole new scenario.

To start with, linked budgets will be available on the ‘Base’ scenario in the cash flow. Also, linked budgets can't be used as the source for other linked budgets.