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Linked budget update - date offset

Graeme avatar
Shared by Graeme • August 01, 2024

We are announcing 2 updates to linked budgets.

  • Date offset
  • Improved previews

Date offset

We know not all incomes and costs occur at the same time. When creating a linked budget you can choose to offset it from the source budget.

This is useful in situations where a cost may be incurred before a sale happens, e.g. buying stock in advance, or where a cost occurs after a sale happens, e.g. commission paid 60 days after the sale.

If you have existing linked budgets you would like to update, click them to edit and the offset option will be available.

Improved previews

When creating a linked budget, the preview now shows the first 3 months' values, giving you a sense check that these figures match up with expectations.

When creating a linked budget the graph preview will display the expected balance, so you can understand the impact of the new budget before saving it to the cash flow (this also works for other types of budgets).