Feature update
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Batch-download Creator statements Infloww v4.2

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • January 10, 2024

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.2

This release provides users with a streamlined way to manage Creator statements.

Here’s what’s new

  • Batch-download Creator statements: Users can now download multiple OnlyFans Creator statements at the same time, streamlining financial management and reporting processes.

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Introducing Reassign Sales

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • January 06, 2024

This hot update provides further user experience optimizations and introduces key improvements to help you manage Chatter sales.

Here’s what’s new

  • Reassign sales: Managers and team leaders can reassign individual sales made by their team members.

    This ensures that each sale is accurately attributed to the right Chatter, preventing discrepancies in record-keeping, and can help you make smart decisions when assigning and scheduling shifts, offering bonuses, and evaluating employee performance.

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Enhanced Compatibility and Crash Monitoring with Infloww v4.1.14

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • December 21, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.14

We’re thrilled to roll out the latest update to Infloww, focusing on enhancing your experience with improved compatibility and crash reporting features.

Here’s what’s new

  • Improved Windows compatibility: We've updated our software for enhanced security and speed on newer systems while ensuring smooth operation for Windows 7 users.
  • Advanced crash monitoring: Infloww now features enhanced crash monitoring, gathering real-time data to help us swiftly address and resolve issues so you can enjoy Infloww hassle-free.


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Automatic network detection, improved security, and better emoji management with Infloww v4.1.13

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • December 07, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.13

This update introduces several enhancements, bug fixes, and interface adjustments to ensure a seamless and secure Infloww user experience.

Here’s what’s new

  • Improved security: We've upgraded the security measures surrounding password changes and views on Infloww. This is part of our ongoing commitment to protect your data and privacy.
  • Automatic network detection: Infloww now detects network status at launch, displaying an error page if issues are detected. This improvement reduces loading times and optimizes user experience.
  • Better emoji management: Newly added emojis now appear at the top of your managed favorites for easier access.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Creator group filter in OF Manager to be deselected

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Bug Fixes and Interface Improvements with Infloww v4.1.12

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • December 01, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.12

This update introduces several bug fixes and user interface adjustments to improve the overall in-app experience.

Here’s what’s new

  • Refresh message history: A refresh button has been added to the Message history window. This allows users to manually update the page and ensure they are seeing the most recent mass messages sent to online fans.
  • Dark mode optimizations: We’ve made some tweaks to our dark mode UI to optimize visibility and reduce eye strain. These adjustments should provide a more comfortable and visually appealing browsing experience in dark mode.

Bug fixes

  • Network reconnection: Fixed an issue where users experienced difficulties reconnecting to Infloww after being disconnected. The application should now automatically reconnect to the network, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Post emoji display: Fixed a bug that prevented emojis from displaying correctly on the New Post page. Emojis will now show up properly without any issues.

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Sensitive Words, Notifications, Login+, and UI improvements with v4.1.11

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • November 23, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.11

This update introduces new features to manage and navigate your list of Sensitive Words, as well as a host of new improvements to the in-app experience.

Here’s what’s new

  • Navigate Sensitive Words: We’ve added a navigation bar to the Sensitive Words page, enabling users to conveniently browse words organized into alphabetical categories
  • Add words with special characters: We’ve improved the flexibility of the Sensitive Words feature, so you can now add and manage words containing special characters
  • Real-time synchronization: Sensitive words will be synchronized in real-time for all employees when a manager adds, edits, or removes a word

Other updates

  • New versions of Login+ will now require users to enter a 6-digit CAPTCHA before verifying their account using FaceID
  • Small adjustments have been made to improve the overall notification experience, including a mute/unmute button
  • We've implemented enhanced security measures when Creators are required to enter their password when being relinked to Infloww
  • When creating and managing shifts, users can now set the scheduled shift time by the hour and minute

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Add and Import Sensitive Words, and Download Creator Statements with Infloww v4.1.7

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • October 27, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.7

This update adds new flexibility to our Sensitive Words feature and downloadable statements to better track your Creators' earnings.

Here's what's new:

  • Add and import sensitive words: Users can add and import their own custom words to Infloww's sensitive word database, ensuring a safer and more tailored experience.
  • Download Creator statements: You can conveniently download Creator earnings in-app via the OnlyFans Statements page in the OF manager.

    This allows you to stay on top of your Creators' earnings and can be used to cross-reference what they see in our Creator reports.

We're gearing up to roll out V5 in two phases in November.

In Phase One, you're in for a major upgrade to your chatting experience. Here's a teaser—a browser-based messaging window, Creator and fan tabs, real-time online fan notifications, and more.

Phase Two is where things get even more exciting. We'll introduce robust automated features like smart lists, priority messages, and automated messages tailored to various parameters—all designed to make your workflows even better.

Stay tuned!

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Sensitive Word Alerts with Infloww v4.1.6

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • October 18, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.6

This update introduces new features to help safeguard agencies and their Creators.

Safeguarding agencies and their accounts

  • Sensitive word alerts: Chatters will be alerted in real-time when using sensitive language that infringes on OnlyFans' community guidelines.

    This applies to the following scenarios: adding/editing scripts, sending individual, group, and mass messages, as well as Creator posts.

Our team manages an active database of banned and restricted words, ensuring that every script, message, mass message, and post is free from any language that could get the Creator's account in trouble. In the future, users can add their own custom words.

Our team has been hard at work optimizing our new chat experience and its revamped messaging features.

Next month, we're excited to roll out even more enhancements for your chatting workflows—including smart lists, priority messaging, automated messages, and more! Stay tuned.

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Enhanced Management Features in v4.1.5 for Tracking Links, Free Trial Links, and Promotion Campaigns

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • October 11, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.5

We've made improvements to our new growth features, allowing users to manage their campaigns more effectively.

Improved campaign management:

  • Users can now deactivate Tracking, Free Trial, and Promotion Campaign links.
  • Tracking links, Free Trial links, and Promotion Campaigns will now show all active links.
  • Users can toggle the "Expired" switch to see expired campaigns.

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Feature update
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Enhanced Employee Shift Assignments and Filters in Infloww v4.1.3

Toby avatar
Shared by Toby • September 22, 2023

📣 We've launched Infloww v4.1.3

We're excited to introduce improvements to make your employee management workflows even smoother.

Here's what's new:

  • Assigning shifts to Chatters only: Users have the option to toggle and display only Chatters when creating a shift and selecting employees. This allows for more focused scheduling and streamlines employee management workflows.
  • Improved employee filters: Users can now filter employees by groups. This functionality is available when assigning them to Creators, scheduling their shifts, or viewing Chatter reports, making it easier to manage and track the performance of specific groups within your organization chart.

What's next? We're in the final stages of testing v5 internally and will soon launch it for a private beta. Stay tuned!

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