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New feature

New Tasks Report

Joyce avatar
Shared by Joyce • July 26, 2024

Hi there,

What's New?

We are thrilled to introduce the new Tasks Report as part of our standard Operations reports.

Please note that this feature can only be accessed by users with the Admin or Analytics Viewer user roles.

Key Features:

The Tasks report provides a comprehensive view of all tasks created within the PMS. It includes detailed information such as:

  • Task owner
  • Due date
  • Type of task
  • Associated booking and unit
  • Subtasks, displayed as individual rows

Available filters:

To enhance usability, the report can be filtered by:

  • Due date
  • Building
  • Task status
  • Task category
  • Assigned to


This report can also serve as a housekeeping report. By filtering on specific task categories such as guest ready cleans or refresh cleans, you can streamline and manage your housekeeping tasks efficiently.

We are confident that this new report will provide valuable insights and improve your task management efficiency.

Getting Started:

This feature is now live under the Reporting segment of the PMS. We encourage all relevant users to explore this new capability in order to maximise their portfolio’s performance.

Warm regards,

Team Lavanda