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Last 50 working days = 50+ new updates

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Shared by Customer Success • May 13, 2024


For the last 50 working days, there have been more than 50 updates in the system that are worth mentioning.

Here it is:

  1. Added possibility for ID Card Physical Scanner (Serbia)
  2. Added option that by adding company registration number in the invoices all the company details can be automatically imported (Serbia)
  3. Added descriptions on each report so new users can navigate easier in the system
  4. Added total amount column in the PACE Report
  5. Added message if no guests for the report in the ETurista
  6. Changed the logic in the Reservation Preview on the night number (now it sums the nights from each room)
  7. Added option that from the canceled reservations you can create invoice and make charge
  8. The reservation holder and Primary guests are separated now. So the company can be the reservation holder but no the guest in the room.
  9. Out Of Service in Manager Report is counted by day
  10. We added possibility that TRA Token is inserted by Room Type instead only per Property (Colombia)
  11. Added variables in the Custom Header & Footer
  12. Added option in the Discount so the discount can be applied to: Rooms, Boards, City Tax (instead on all services)
  13. Added Debit Report in the Automatic Email Reports
  14. Added default discount in the Company Profile
  15. Added option in the calendar Filter (Combined) which means you can combine default reservation status colors and custom reservation colors
  16. New Logic for City Tax Calculation (Per Room) it was needed for Austrian clients
  17. Link Advance Invoice for a Company
  18. In the new reservation creation on the second step, add pen icon, so you can add all guest details instead of only first name, last name, and email
  19. In the reservation preview and reservation list now you can see when the offer is expiring
  20. Added option that the offer can be sent on different languages form the system default
  21. Added notification in the app and email to the property owner, when the offer is expiring
  22. Created brand new Booking Engine Widget Generator
  23. When the invoice is storn (cancelled) keep the 'eye' icon so you can still see for which reservation it was created
  24. Added a new column 'Number of Nights', in the Channel Revenue Report and separated some other columns as well as added date range instead of only month
  25. Added in the reservation tag 'Special Offer' if it was booked from the special offer package in the Booking Engine
  26. Created Over Booking Automatic Resolver Email
  27. Fixed Cancelled Reservation Notifications on the App
  28. Added WEB Notifications so you can stay up to date even if the OTA Sync TAB is closed
  29. Added option to add AirBnB or link in the Booking Engine so your guests can verify your property
  30. Separate in the Finance Report what is by Advance and what is by final Invoice
  31. Optimized Yield Calendar so it can clearly show on Mobile Device
  32. Created Automatic Currency Converter if different main currency than channel manager currency
  33. Increased number of children categories to 7
  34. Floor Calendar now can set up room statuses in the future too (before was only for today)
  35. New Logic for City Tax Calculation (Per % of the room price) for Greek Clients
  36. Updated Housekeeping App: If the Guest is in the Room and show number of the guests in the room
  37. Updated Housekeeping App: Show next arrival and number of the guests in the room
  38. Added option to print Reservation Card per room instead of only per reservation
  39. Board Report - now has a new view to show the total board for the chosen period
  40. Added VAT Amount in the Fiscalized Invoices Report
  41. New Design for Companies and Guests Popup
  42. Changed logic so after Out Of Service room status is on dirty
  43. Fixed Housekeeping-Minibar Logic if we have 2 reservations on the same date
  44. Added 'lock' icon on the calendar if the room is locked
  45. Room Type Order from the Calendar Filter now applies to the Prices/Restrictions and in the Mobile App
  46. Added option that Manager Report can be set up to show future data in the Automatic Email Report
  47. Added possibility that Extra Items can be selected and charged on invoices separately
  48. Added option that host can automatically put 5* review on the AirBnB Reservations (Unified Inbox Module Required)
  49. Added option to post NO SHOW directly from the PMS for the Expedia Reservations
  50. Added new Module: Property Managers Module
  51. New Integration: Thor Fin Accounting System (Croatia)
  52. New Integration: DUVE Guest App (Global)
  53. New Integration: Turneo Experience App (Global)

    + numerous speed, stability and security improvements.

    Stay tuned as we are preparing some amazing new product features and modules to be released soon!