Latest Updates from the OTA Sync team
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60+ System updates for the end of the year!

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Shared by Customer Success • December 30, 2024

List of new features:

  • Reservation Time Line - See every action linked to a reservation directly from the newly released feature/tab 'Timeline'
  • Extra Items has been downgraded to a day level so now instead of having a fixed number of extra items for each day in the reservation you can now have different quantities per day
  • Added option that Registration Card can be printed for each guest
  • In the Reservation Edit modal, when Custom Prices are checked, we added the field 'Price for all rooms' which automatically sets price to all rooms
  • If the invoice is printed and none of the items has a discount we do not show the column 'discount' in the invoice pdf
  • Added option that reservations in the calendar can be diagonal
  • Added Do Not Disturb (DND) Status of the room in the web/mobile calendar as well in the Guest App so the guest can select digitally if the housekeeping is not needed for a day. This is also visible in the Housekeeping App to a housekeepers. You can activate this in your property from Settings > General > Housekeeping > Use Do Not Disturb.
  • SPA Services are now automatically visible in the Guest App and Guests can book them
  • Redesigned confirmation/modification/cancellation/offer emails to a property user and a guest for a better experience and easier data recognition
  • In the Housekeeping App, if you are a multi-property user, we enabled that with 1 click (tap) you are able to view the housekeeping schedule for all your properties on a single screen
  • Calendar filters are now saved per user, so the same property can have different view based on a user view preference. The same filters will apply to all properties the user has access to in it's view.
  • Extra Items can now be sorted inside the Category so you can order them per your preference for the Guest App and the Booking Engine
  • Added 'check' icon if the invoice for the specific room in the reservation has been paid so you can visualize easier
  • In the Invoices List added the option to print all services combined into a single service if you need it.
  • You can select multiple rooms now and click on new edit option which will open Edit Modal that will affect all selected rooms
  • Added option to Group Rooms by Flor in the Calendar Settings. (You need to have added all floors and checked option "Group By Floors")

  • If the room/reservation status is set to left no more editing can be done for that room by anyone. This is to be set by the admin user to subusers in the user access level group settings.
  • When adding a new user we added an option to select channels from which the user has the option to edit reservations. (For example, you allow users to edit only private reservations and not the ones from OTA)
  • If we have a multiroom reservation where some reservations are arriving today and others in the future, selecting the reservation status 'arrived' will affect only today's arrival rooms
  • Added 2 new default extras categories (No Show & Late Cancellation) so we can track income for these cases in the Manager Report
  • In Settings > General > Invoice Settings we added an option to add more card types per property to select in the invoice when the payment method is a card
  • Added new report: Used Advances (if you use Fiscalization)
  • Removed the option to add new extras from the reservation directly. All extras must be previously added in the Settings > Rooms/Extras
  • Big update to a changelog system so now we only save and show what has really been changed instead of complete data. Increase in system speed and productivity when searching for specific action.
  • Offer Reminder is being sent to a property user too now
  • All the invoices from the Revenue Category + Manager Report have the option to see amounts with or without Tax automatically
  • Added French language on the Mobile and the Guest App
  • Serbian Properties: Multiple eTurista accounts can be connected with a single property now in the Module Settings
  • Added new User Group (Agency) so they have now their own dashboard and can contact all OTA Sync properties to be added to their Booking Engine by OTA Sync

Other Improvements:

  • Added Postal Code FIeld (ZIP) in the Company Modal and synced that with Invoice if that company is selected
  • Added exchange rate in the Banquet Reservation if using multiple currencies
  • Removed Split Stay Feature from the cancelled reservations
  • Added Reservation Status in the Registration Card
  • Removed canceled room from the group reservation export for confirmed reservations
  • In Boards & Taxes , we added default Tax for SPA Services and Extra Services that are added in the SPA Reservation
  • Updates for the Greek Fiscalization (Different numeration for business & regular customers and calculations of taxes)
  • Updated colors for the Occupancy Calendar (Dark Red 0% to Green 100%)
  • In Settings > General > Invoice Settings you can now Show or Hide if you are in the VAT System message in the invoice footer
  • Polished and updated user access levels
  • Added ability to write in negative availability (useful for planned overbookings)
  • Updated Debit Report with the 'Transfers' logic
  • Deleted Private Note from the Housekeeping App and Report
  • When adding payments in the reservation we now track this in the changelog
  • Hovering with the mouse over the reservation type offer will open in the tooltip if and to which email and when it was sent
  • In the Settings > General > Reservation Settings in the Separate Thousands option added one more value 'Separate with a comma'
  • Added No Show option for reservations from all channels
  • Fixed a rate plan selection and visibility in the Reservation list if the reservation was booked from the Booking Engine as a Special Offer Package
  • Prevented scrolling to the top of the calendar if you have a lot of rooms in the Calendar and open reservation from the bottom to change reservation status
  • Added new payment methods for Serbian Fiscalization (Advance Card and Advance cash)
  • Updated Invoice print (Amount to Pay) if you have additional currency
  • Added all housekeeping actions in the changelog
  • Expanded changelog for actions by the Banquet module
  • Fixed translation on the Invoice Print in other than English language for Accommodation, Boards & Extra items.
  • Created automatized emails with instructions for a property user when a new module is activated from Settings > Marketplace
  • Fixed a bug where occupancy calculation in the calendar wasn't working correctly if the room number was changed in the Rooms/Extras
  • When changing the Room Type from the edit reservation modal added option if you want to update the prices with the new room type or not
  • Updated backend when from the reservation list you search for reservations that contain specific rate plan

New Integrations:

  1. Fiscalization for Colombia directly from the PMS
  2. Smart Pierre Locks & Smart Home System
  3. Integrated Room Price Genie RMS

Very Soon:

  • The first Housekeeping App for Smartwatch
  • RMS System
  • AI Chatbot for the Engine and Websites
  • AI Receptionist for answering all the guest's queries from the OTAs
  • WhatsApp chat with guests directly from the OTA Sync
  • and much much more...

Once again thanks for your collaboration and for helping us in the conquest to create the best system for the hoteliers and property managers worldwide.

We wish you all the best in the 2025!

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New feature
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Product update

September + October = 50+ updates!

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Shared by Customer Success • October 31, 2024

New Features:

1. New Calendar Type in the Booking Engine (Flexible Calendar)

2. Added Occupancy row in the calendar (by room type or property) so you can see Availability % per day directly from the calendar

3. New Type of the YIELD Calendar (more visibility, compact look)

4. Option to Merge Guest profiles (multiple guests by accident, merge them to single)

5. Added notifications about messages in the OTA in the system (Omni-Channel Inbox Module required)

6. Added price per night in the hover of the room price (without and with board if exists)

7. Added the possibility to print Reservation Cards on the one of the 18 languages we have instead of the default property language only

8. Added changelog of the invoice emails sent from the system

9. Added option for the Maintenance Report (Statuses) and ability to edit description of the Maintenance Item

10. Show if the Guests did the online check-in via the Guest App directly in the PMS

11. New Report: Birthdays (have info when the Birthday of each previous or current guest is)

12. Added predefined date values in all reports instead of only date picker (This month. MTD, YTD, Last 90 days, Custom Dates)

13. Added sorting in all reports by key figures (just click on the symbol for sorting in the column header for sorting asc or dsc)

14. In the invoice list added filter by Due Date for easier Invoice search

15. Ability to change first day of the week in the Booking Engine Datepicker from Sunday or Monday
(Settings > Booking Engine > Date Selection Step)

16. Add default invoice note by the invoice type (Settings > General > Invoice Settings)

17. When canceling the reservation, cancellation reason is mandatory to enter

18. Possibility that sub-user user who created another sub-user now sees all sub-users he created

19. Added option that Guest Status: Left can not be added if the invoice has not been issued (Settings > General Settings > Invoice Settings )

20. Ability to mark room in the reservation as non-counting for the Revenue and Statistics (in the EDIT Room popup)

21. Adjusted rules about the Guest Status Changes:

  • Once a guest is checked in and invoices are paid/fiscalized, or registered in official systems, their status can't revert to "Waiting arrival."
  • If the status is marked as "Left" and is from the previous day or earlier, it can't be reverted, except for same-day mistakes.
  • Reservations marked as "Left" cannot be canceled, as past records shouldn't be erased.
  • "Left" status can only follow "Arrived" or "Arrived and Paid," not future reservations.

22. Added possibility to send POS services to the Banquet Halls too

20. Fiscalization for Bosnia (Federation)

21. Fiscalization for Greece

22. Fiscalization for Colombia

23. Translated system to Bulgarian. OTA Sync now speaks 18 languages!


  1. In the reservations filter now there is a select box to filter reservations by pricing plan
  2. An added turnover symbol on the homepage on departures if for the specific room number, we have checkout and check-in for the same day
  3. In the Finance Report Boards are now separated by the board type and guest/children category
  4. Add filter by category in the finance report
  5. Ability to send orders from POS to a room
  6. Added checkbox 'Only Primary Guests' in the Daily Report, so you can monitor all guests from the reservations or only the primary one
  7. In the Revenue Report added an option to show only fiscalized/non-fiscalized/all invoices
  8. Added total sum row in the expenses report
  9. In the Home Page Export added column guests
  10. In the Changelog added the filter 'Action By'
  11. Allow sorting of the Extra Categories so you can adjust their order in the Guest App as they are sorted in the PMS
  12. Added option in the Extra Category (Show in the Guest app and Featured on the Guest App) so you can decide which one will be visible or featured
  13. Adding/Deleting Extra Items now visible in the Changelog
  14. The possibility that you can customize visible/required fields for the Guest CheckIn in the Guest App (Settings > Marketplace > Guest App Popup)
  15. Added new Inventory Report Type so you can see daily minibar consumption and refill from the warehouse (When Inventory Module Active go to Reports > Inventory Reports)
  16. If Release Period is enabled in the Rate Plans no restriction update from the calendar can affect it
  17. In the Custom Header option separate Invoice emails by the Invoice Types (Advance, Invoice..)
  18. Added ability to add extra items in the SPA Reservation
  19. Option to unassign housekeeper from the Floor Calendar
  20. Adjusted Reservations Export Format
  21. Improved Reservation Card Appearance
  22. Improved Banquet Module
  23. If the reservation status is change to (Waiting Arrival - Advance) change email subject to Reservation Confirmation instead New Reservation
  24. Improved notifications on the housekeeping app and added future view for the housekeepers
  25. New logic about modified reservations implemented so it is instantly received and room for error is 0% when updating reservation details for the OTA Modified reservations

New Integrations:

  1. Remaris POS Croatia
  2. VG Group POS Montenegro
  3. POVRS Payment Gateway

What to expect next?

In the upcoming period, we are going to introduce our own small RMS or to say it better 'Revenue Booster' module as well as many new integrations and of course constant system updates and improvements.

New feature
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Feature update
Maintenance update

New Booking Engine, Availability Rules, Split Stay, Smart Locks....

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Shared by Customer Success • September 03, 2024

New Features:

1. Fully Redesigned Booking Engine (Multi property & Single Property)

With this update we expect the conversion rate on the Booking Engine to be much higher and we implemented some new features in it as well.

2. Price Comparison Widget for the Booking Engine (Conversion Booster Feature) - Read all about it here

- One more premium feature for the Booking Engine that we are giving completely for FREE for our clients.
This will additionally boost the confidence of your website visitors and lead to higher conversion rates by knowing that the price they are getting is lower than on any OTA.

3. Channel Manager Availability Rules - Read all about it here

4. Minibar Inventory Management - Finally there is an option so that you can watch Minibar inventory per room, the ability for housekeeping teams to fill up inventory, and warehouse setup and inventory status and reports. Read all about it here.

5. Split Stay Feature - Great Feature if you need to split the stay of a guest for let's say 2 nights in Room 1 and the rest of the nights in the Room 2.

6. Added Omni-Channel Visible in the Reservation as the Tab so you can chat with the guest right from the reservation preview.

7. Added option SHORT NAME in Settings > General under Property Name so you can add the short name of the property and easily manage it. Very useful for large Property Management Agencies.

8. Added option in the Settings > General > Invoice Settings 'Allow Custom Articles Typed in Invoices' which allows or disallows that you can use extra services that are not inside Rooms/Extras.

9. Added new localizations in Arabic & Greek languages so that our new partners can use the system in their native language. OTA Sync now speaks 17 languages!


  1. Added option in the User Access Level Settings for the Invoice Deletion so certain users can be restricted from doing this action
  2. Added options for the Expenses, Inventory and Omni-Channel Inbox in the User Access Level Settings
  3. Banquet Module Improvments: Upload Agenda option, Description Separated in multiple fields, Add Extra Services in the Banquet Reservation, Option for Print
  4. Added filter for registered and non-registered guests in the City Tax Report
  5. Montenegro Fiscalization: Multiple Fiscal Deposits Possibility added
  6. Serbian Fiscalization: Duplicate Fiscal Invoice
  7. Added River View in Room Amenities
  8. Added option to sort any report by most important columns
  9. When sending an invoice to Email automatically adds email of the guest in the email field
  10. Removed Guest from the Board Report if no boards for the selected date range
  11. Mobile App Notification for the Housekeeping Team when the guest is checked out
  12. Added VAT Report in the Automatic Email Reports
  13. Optimized Reservation and Room Reservation Card Print View
  14. When a guest is canceling a reservation there is now a field 'why' reservation is canceled so accident cancellations are minimized
  15. Financial Report - Separate Adults & Children for City Tax Category

New Integrations Released:

  1. TUYA Smart Locks
  2. SCIENER Smart Locks

What to expect next?

Even more improvements for the Booking Engine some more integrations, languages and some new modules (features) that are in development! Stay tuned.

Feature update
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Product update

Automatic Payments, VAT Report, Housekeeping Supervisor and a dozen other features some news to share…

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Shared by Customer Success • July 04, 2024

New things:

1. Automatic Payments for the Virtual Cards are finally live as well as a payment gateway for the Booking Engine. We now support any country in the world which is great news for countries unsupported by our previous preferred payment gateway - STRIPE.

To activate this feature just contact our support and enjoy the world of automatized and hassle-free payment solutions.

2. We added a new report > VAT (PDV) Report so you can watch all fiscalized/non-fiscalized invoices and their taxes grouped or by date

3. Improved Check-In Process with new module 'Fast Check-In' that can be activated.

How does it work?

4. Added option to add Custom Fields in the Reservation. So you can add new input/select fields that suit your business operation logic in the property.

5. Added new user type: Housekeeping Supervisor user.

So now you can set up in Settings > General > Housekeeping Default Room Status (Clean, Regular, General) and if you have a Housekeeping Supervisor in the property.

If yes you need to create a new user with the type Supervisor and in the Mobile App they will have the ability to manually approve each room to status Clean-Inspected after Housekeeping Members mark it as Clean. So the room will not be marked as clean in the PMS before the Housekeeping Supervisor marks it as clean.

6. Added in the Housekeeping Settings option 'Start - Stop' so now Housekeeping users in the mobile app don't have the option to mark the room as clean if it is active but instead they need to click on START, which marks that the cleaning has begun and when they click on STOP that marks cleaning as finished and marks room as clean and you as a manager are aware how much time the housekeeping user spent time cleaning the room.

7. Added new user type: Maintenance User
Now in the Mobile App, they can add new items for Maintenance for room or some other space and can change the statuses of items for maintenance (New, Assigned, Solved)

8. Multiproperty view in both web & mobile

In the web, you can now edit prices, availability, and restrictions for each property you have access to directly from a single calendar. Added ability to select multiple properties in various reports too.

In the mobile app now there is option to select all properties at once so view in the Home Page/Reservations/Calendar Vertical/Calendar Horizontal and Statistics is for multiple properties.

9. Added option in the Settings > Reservation Settings if you want to disable cents or not in the entire system

10. Added option in the Settings > Reservation Settings to choose separators from thousands in the entire system ( dot, comma or space)

11. Added option that Room Tax can be non-included (excluded) from the price

12. Added in the Settings > Property Policies option for custom .pdf file upload for Custom Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy that will be visible in the Booking Engine

13. In Settings > Property Policies added Custom footer for reservation print so each reservation print can contain a custom footer

SPOILER ALERT: On Wednesday 10th of July we are releasing a brand new feature. Minibar Inventory. So you can watch Minibar inventory per room, the ability for housekeeping teams to fill up inventory, and warehouse setup and inventory status and reports.


1. CIty Tax Report & Country Report now follows all the guests, not just the primary guest country in the reservation
2. Added in the reservation preview checkmark if a specific invoice or extra item is paid already
3. Every user can UNDO from the changelog only actions they performed
4. Debit Report now includes Extra Services also
5. Added option in the User Access Levels for Reservation Deletion for new users
6. Added option to Allow Creating New users in the User Access Level for new users
7. Added column 'Available Rooms' in the Occupancy Report

8. Changed colors for the reservation statuses through the entire system so they are 100% the same color code
9. Updated Reservation Card View
10. Price per day can now be visible in the invoice as well as it was possible in the reservation
11. Added option to open unassigned reservation preview

12. Added option 'Select All' when using the Prices&Restrictions tab in the Web for the Restrictions. It is useful when you want to close down the entire property for some reason so you can select all restriction plans at once.

13. Make Yield Calendar Responsive

14. Added option in the Automatic Emails to Exclude Email for Last Minute Reservations or to Include Emails ONLY for Last Minute Reservations or to Exclude Emails for short stay reservations you configure

As usual, there have been numerous other improvements and bug fixes that increase the stability, performance, and security of the entire system.

We are sure that with all those automations and new features, you will have much more time to relax in the upcoming summer as OTA Sync will work better than ever for you!

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Maintenance update
Product update

Last 50 working days = 50+ new updates

Customer Success avatar
Shared by Customer Success • May 13, 2024


For the last 50 working days, there have been more than 50 updates in the system that are worth mentioning.

Here it is:

  1. Added possibility for ID Card Physical Scanner (Serbia)
  2. Added option that by adding company registration number in the invoices all the company details can be automatically imported (Serbia)
  3. Added descriptions on each report so new users can navigate easier in the system
  4. Added total amount column in the PACE Report
  5. Added message if no guests for the report in the ETurista
  6. Changed the logic in the Reservation Preview on the night number (now it sums the nights from each room)
  7. Added option that from the canceled reservations you can create invoice and make charge
  8. The reservation holder and Primary guests are separated now. So the company can be the reservation holder but no the guest in the room.
  9. Out Of Service in Manager Report is counted by day
  10. We added possibility that TRA Token is inserted by Room Type instead only per Property (Colombia)
  11. Added variables in the Custom Header & Footer
  12. Added option in the Discount so the discount can be applied to: Rooms, Boards, City Tax (instead on all services)
  13. Added Debit Report in the Automatic Email Reports
  14. Added default discount in the Company Profile
  15. Added option in the calendar Filter (Combined) which means you can combine default reservation status colors and custom reservation colors
  16. New Logic for City Tax Calculation (Per Room) it was needed for Austrian clients
  17. Link Advance Invoice for a Company
  18. In the new reservation creation on the second step, add pen icon, so you can add all guest details instead of only first name, last name, and email
  19. In the reservation preview and reservation list now you can see when the offer is expiring
  20. Added option that the offer can be sent on different languages form the system default
  21. Added notification in the app and email to the property owner, when the offer is expiring
  22. Created brand new Booking Engine Widget Generator
  23. When the invoice is storn (cancelled) keep the 'eye' icon so you can still see for which reservation it was created
  24. Added a new column 'Number of Nights', in the Channel Revenue Report and separated some other columns as well as added date range instead of only month
  25. Added in the reservation tag 'Special Offer' if it was booked from the special offer package in the Booking Engine
  26. Created Over Booking Automatic Resolver Email
  27. Fixed Cancelled Reservation Notifications on the App
  28. Added WEB Notifications so you can stay up to date even if the OTA Sync TAB is closed
  29. Added option to add AirBnB or link in the Booking Engine so your guests can verify your property
  30. Separate in the Finance Report what is by Advance and what is by final Invoice
  31. Optimized Yield Calendar so it can clearly show on Mobile Device
  32. Created Automatic Currency Converter if different main currency than channel manager currency
  33. Increased number of children categories to 7
  34. Floor Calendar now can set up room statuses in the future too (before was only for today)
  35. New Logic for City Tax Calculation (Per % of the room price) for Greek Clients
  36. Updated Housekeeping App: If the Guest is in the Room and show number of the guests in the room
  37. Updated Housekeeping App: Show next arrival and number of the guests in the room
  38. Added option to print Reservation Card per room instead of only per reservation
  39. Board Report - now has a new view to show the total board for the chosen period
  40. Added VAT Amount in the Fiscalized Invoices Report
  41. New Design for Companies and Guests Popup
  42. Changed logic so after Out Of Service room status is on dirty
  43. Fixed Housekeeping-Minibar Logic if we have 2 reservations on the same date
  44. Added 'lock' icon on the calendar if the room is locked
  45. Room Type Order from the Calendar Filter now applies to the Prices/Restrictions and in the Mobile App
  46. Added option that Manager Report can be set up to show future data in the Automatic Email Report
  47. Added possibility that Extra Items can be selected and charged on invoices separately
  48. Added option that host can automatically put 5* review on the AirBnB Reservations (Unified Inbox Module Required)
  49. Added option to post NO SHOW directly from the PMS for the Expedia Reservations
  50. Added new Module: Property Managers Module
  51. New Integration: Thor Fin Accounting System (Croatia)
  52. New Integration: DUVE Guest App (Global)
  53. New Integration: Turneo Experience App (Global)

    + numerous speed, stability and security improvements.

    Stay tuned as we are preparing some amazing new product features and modules to be released soon!