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New Booking Engine, Availability Rules, Split Stay, Smart Locks....

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Shared by Customer Success • September 03, 2024

New Features:

1. Fully Redesigned Booking Engine (Multi property & Single Property)

With this update we expect the conversion rate on the Booking Engine to be much higher and we implemented some new features in it as well.

2. Price Comparison Widget for the Booking Engine (Conversion Booster Feature) - Read all about it here

- One more premium feature for the Booking Engine that we are giving completely for FREE for our clients.
This will additionally boost the confidence of your website visitors and lead to higher conversion rates by knowing that the price they are getting is lower than on any OTA.

3. Channel Manager Availability Rules - Read all about it here

4. Minibar Inventory Management - Finally there is an option so that you can watch Minibar inventory per room, the ability for housekeeping teams to fill up inventory, and warehouse setup and inventory status and reports. Read all about it here.

5. Split Stay Feature - Great Feature if you need to split the stay of a guest for let's say 2 nights in Room 1 and the rest of the nights in the Room 2.

6. Added Omni-Channel Visible in the Reservation as the Tab so you can chat with the guest right from the reservation preview.

7. Added option SHORT NAME in Settings > General under Property Name so you can add the short name of the property and easily manage it. Very useful for large Property Management Agencies.

8. Added option in the Settings > General > Invoice Settings 'Allow Custom Articles Typed in Invoices' which allows or disallows that you can use extra services that are not inside Rooms/Extras.

9. Added new localizations in Arabic & Greek languages so that our new partners can use the system in their native language. OTA Sync now speaks 17 languages!


  1. Added option in the User Access Level Settings for the Invoice Deletion so certain users can be restricted from doing this action
  2. Added options for the Expenses, Inventory and Omni-Channel Inbox in the User Access Level Settings
  3. Banquet Module Improvments: Upload Agenda option, Description Separated in multiple fields, Add Extra Services in the Banquet Reservation, Option for Print
  4. Added filter for registered and non-registered guests in the City Tax Report
  5. Montenegro Fiscalization: Multiple Fiscal Deposits Possibility added
  6. Serbian Fiscalization: Duplicate Fiscal Invoice
  7. Added River View in Room Amenities
  8. Added option to sort any report by most important columns
  9. When sending an invoice to Email automatically adds email of the guest in the email field
  10. Removed Guest from the Board Report if no boards for the selected date range
  11. Mobile App Notification for the Housekeeping Team when the guest is checked out
  12. Added VAT Report in the Automatic Email Reports
  13. Optimized Reservation and Room Reservation Card Print View
  14. When a guest is canceling a reservation there is now a field 'why' reservation is canceled so accident cancellations are minimized
  15. Financial Report - Separate Adults & Children for City Tax Category

New Integrations Released:

  1. TUYA Smart Locks
  2. SCIENER Smart Locks

What to expect next?

Even more improvements for the Booking Engine some more integrations, languages and some new modules (features) that are in development! Stay tuned.