What's New in ShuttlerockCloud
Feature update

What's New - Feature Updates

Sam avatar
Shared by Sam • May 20, 2024

Updates and enhancements 🚀


  • Anyone who edits a brief will be automatically added to the project as a collaborator.
  • When a project doesn't have any collaborators yet, you'll see a "+" button cueing you to add some - share the love!


  • Custom Dimensions formats can now be selected for any platform! If there's a format you need which we don't have a pre-set option for, now you can specify the dimensions you require.

Project Tracker

  • The "Approved" button in the navigation menu will now take you to the project tracker, automatically filtered to show all of your completed projects - nice!

Review & Revise

  • The button to show safezone overlays has moved to the top right-hand corner of the media canvas.
  • Safezone overlays are now available for supported* static formats!

*we're building out support for more formats over time, watch this space!