What's New in ShuttlerockCloud

What's New - Timestamp Ranges and Shape Annotations

Sam avatar
Shared by Sam • May 20, 2024

Season's greetings! 🎉

We've been hard at work on a suite of new features for our review & revision flow, and couldn't be more excited to be sharing these handy new tools with you today.

Timestamp Ranges ↔️

Have a revision that applies across a section of video rather than just a single point? Now you can set a start and end timestamp for revisions!

You can also still apply the revision to the whole duration of your video, or a specific frame - whichever is most relevant to your changes.

Shape Annotations 🔳

Adding on to the existing freeform annotation tool, we've introduced the following common shapes to use as well - with all of the same line weight and colour options you're used to:

  • Boxes
  • Lines
  • Arrows

Once drawn, you can move, re-size, delete, and undo or redo any of these changes as needed - annotations galore!

Check out these new features when revising your next deliverable!