What's New in ShuttlerockCloud

What's New - Q1 Roundup

Sam avatar
Shared by Sam • May 20, 2024

Here's your roundup for all of the most recent updates to ShuttlerockCloud released in Q1 - grab yourself a coffee and settle in for a great read!

New UI experience for Briefing

Overview Panel

We've done away with the whole project overview page, introducing a flash new sidebar giving you an overview of your whole project at a glance, and streamlining the whole briefing experience - no more jumping back and forth between the overview page and concept pages!

The overview panel will serve you for concept navigation and creation - as well as accessing your brand profile.

These changes have a few other flow-on effects:

  • The "Product & Service" question that used to sit at the project level will now be asked for each concept, giving you even more flexibility for your projects.
  • The "Primary language" question has been removed, and you can now have different languages for each concept in a project, rather than being limited to one language for the whole project - more on this further on 👀
  • The "Order Details" button which used to sit in the top left-hand side of the brief has moved to the new Utilities panel on the right-hand side of the project view, and is now called "Summary".

Utilities Panel

A very handy new addition to our Project View - the Utilities Panel lives in the Brief and Creative pages for all projects.

Summary and Support will be available for all users, always, and Assistant will be available when a brief was created using the Brief Assistant.

  • Assistant will open the Brief Assistant modal, allowing you to access your brief input for reference (if you've already submitted your brief). If you're still working on your brief, then this is where you'll be able to edit the input and regenerate your brief if you're not 100% happy with the output of the Brief Assistant.
  • Summary is the new name and location for the old "Order Details" button - giving you an overview of all key details for your whole project.
  • Support will open a chat window with our support team, giving you even easier and faster access to help when you need it.

Language Updates for projects

As mentioned further up, the "Primary language" question has been removed from briefing, and you can now have different languages for each concept in a project, rather than being limited to one language for the whole project.

The language for each concept in a project will be now be automatically detected based on the language of the text that you input into the Copy and Concept Idea fields.

If a language is ever detected incorrectly, reach out to your Shuttlerock rep and we can have it manually updated in a flash!

More small pieces

Audience updates

  • When creating a brief with our Brief Assistant, your default audience will automatically be assigned to all concepts in the project, which you can then change if you wish.
  • When you duplicate a concept, the audience will now also be copied over (previously the duplicated concept would be assigned your default audience).
  • If you create a new audience from within a concept, that new audience will automatically be assigned to the concept - if you haven't already selected an audience for the concept.

Review updates

  • NEW dark mode for the Creative page, aligning the UI across both the Creative and Review pages for a more cohesive experience.
  • You can now Submit your variations from the review page, via the new "Submit" button in the review panel.
  • Significant speed performance improvements have been made when navigating between different creatives while reviewing, saving time for all!
  • Variations are now eligible for our QuickFix service, saving even more time on variations which qualify for QuickFix.

That's all, folks! Keep an eye out for the next update coming in hot on the heels of this one 👀

Coming very soon is an all-new modular briefing experience, which will change the way you brief for good - we can't wait to share it with you.