New updates and improvements to Skand.
Product update
New feature

June 2024 Product Updates

Shared by Edison • June 23, 2024

Hi there,

We hope this message finds you well. We are excited to share some fantastic updates with you this month and invite you to help shape our upcoming features.

New Live Chat Support

You can now reach out to us directly within the Skand web application via live chat. Whether you have questions, feedback, bug reports, or just want to share your favourite GIF, we’re here! You can also find our latest news and updates in the live chat section.

Latitude and Longitude in Reports

Now, each 3D annotation includes latitude and longitude details in the reports. Additionally, you can find a direct link to Skand Explore for every annotation. Viewing annotations in the 3D viewer is now just one click away!

Faster Panorama Loading

We’ve introduced panorama tile-streaming to enhance the loading speed of your high-resolution images. This update will be automatically applied to your panoramas in the coming week, providing a smoother walkthrough experience.

OBJ Model Multi-threading Loading

For those dealing with large OBJ models, we are introducing multi-threading loading in the coming weeks. This allows you to continue working on other tasks while your OBJ models load in the background without any interruptions.

Share Link Enhancements

We are dedicated to enhancing our share link feature to better serve your needs. Currently, we are actively seeking beta users to test and provide feedback on these improvements. If you’re interested in participating and experiencing these enhancements firsthand, please don’t hesitate to contact us via our new support live chat or email.

Automated E57 Workflow

We’ve listened to your feedback and are excited to announce the development of an automated workflow for loading E57 files into Skand. This new feature will extract both point clouds and embedded panoramas seamlessly. If you have E57 files with embedded panoramas and want an effortless way to integrate them into Skand, please contact us to join our beta program (available for Pro and Enterprise plans).

Your Input on Upcoming Features

As well as improvements to the share link and the automated e57 workflow, we’re working on some exciting new features that will transform your workflow.

While these aren’t ready for hands-on testing, we’d love your input on our designs and concepts for:

  • Customisable Workflows: Automate repetitive tasks, integrate seamlessly with your daily software or services, and track progress. This feature will allow you to tailor workflows to your needs, freeing up valuable time for important tasks.
  • Enhanced Layer Creation & Processing: Simplify the process of visualising data with advanced data validation tools.
  • Enriched Customisable Annotations: Embed files and videos, connect to third-party software, and display rich information in the 3D scene for powerful presentations.

To contribute to shaping these features, use our support live chat and select one of the following options:

  • I want to join the beta program” for testing Share Link Enhancements or Automated E57 Workflow
  • I want to provide input on upcoming features” for sharing your thoughts on Customisable Workflows, Enhanced Layer Creation & Processing, or Enriched Customisable Annotations

Legacy Share Links

We will be discontinuing old share links created in the previous interface by the end of June.

To ensure uninterrupted access to your share links, we recommend the following:

  • Regenerate any share links you need: New links created using the updated interface will be fully functional. For instructions, please refer to: How to create new share links
  • Contact us if you have any questions or concerns: Our support team is happy to assist you with the transition and answer any questions you may have about the new features or regenerating share links.